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Cadillac Sedan de Ville 1972

Guest Philippe

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Guest Philippe


Thank's for your welcome!

My car was made for export to Switzerland with odometer in kms per hour for 200 max! No chance to break the needle...

Today, only 72000 kms on the dash.

But she is not a valuable vintage as your Packard..

Well, I enjoy "mélodie" V8 engine and it's great for me.

I am member of the Américan Car Club de France, ACCF.



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Guest Philippe

Yes Dave,

US cars are not so common in France. But some people start to have "bad" eyes on her... You know: pollution, gaz emission, ect, ect...

De Ville 1972 with 472 cid in France look like a monster!

Far awway from Toyo "Prius", the last fashion in the world. frown.gif

But when I move the hood, so nice to see and to hear!


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Guest ZondaC12

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Philippe</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yes Dave,

US cars are not so common in France. But some people start to have "bad" eyes on her... You know: pollution, gaz emission, ect, ect...

De Ville 1972 with 472 cid in France look like a monster!

Far awway from Toyo "Prius", the last fashion in the world. frown.gif

But when I move the hood, so nice to see and to hear!


Yeah I'm sure some people will bother you about that....oh well don't let it get to you!!! Enjoy it its beautiful!!!!

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Guest Philippe

Dear all!

Thank's, I appreciate your warm welcome!

We have some meetings for US cars in France along a year.

Tell me if you want to see more and where i have to post some photos on your forum?

Nearly midnight for me! To let; good night!


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Guest ZondaC12

If you want to post more pictures.....right here in this thread is a great spot!!! And please do post more!!! grin.gif

I remember going to Italy with my family as our vacation back in 2000, and being amazed at how small the cars were! I saw plenty of Fiat "Puntos" and Renault "Clio"s, you could probably fit one of them INSIDE that deville!!!

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Guest ZondaC12

HAHA wow especially that last picture, if I did not know already that it was NOT taken in the U.S., I wouldnt have guessed! Hot-rodded flathead, Thrush sticker, and good old Jack to keep the coolant from spilling!!! That guy is definitely an old-school rodder!

Well If I'm ever in France I'll be sure to check if theres any meetings or shows put on by the ACCF!!

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  • 6 years later...
Guest Philippe

Yes Roger !!!

I have seen your impressive and détailled post yesterday evenning (for us) ...

After six years, I remenber again my login for this forum, incredible no ? I am like red wine, more old, much better ! ?

My problem here is I don't write english as well like you !

I come back to look about another way because more and more frenchies forum's start to make me tired ...

Sometime I talk about Quadrajet for exemple and the answer is about the way to start barbecue !

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Philippe

For two reasons Roger !

You know how I get bored when everything is perfect in my Cadillac ...

After restoring my air conditioning last winter, today my Delco radio lost his sweet voice from time to time according to the heating of the device.

When I saw the prices on E Bay for a radio of this type it is clear that I have to move me ...

I located the problem on a portion of the printed circuit. When I force a specific location, the sound comes back loud and clear .

It was on the radio section , no problem playing 8-track cartridge . Power amplifier is ok.

I plated with a small soldering all connections of this part and the stability of reproduction seems to have returned .

I tested long enough because it's not you I 'll explain how these radios are heavy out of the dashboard ...

It seems that I finally won the game during the past week.

To do this, we must also provide a good battery charger for this radio uses its 3 amperes !

On the other hand , the two power transistors out a few calories welcome in my garage ...

After the repair is therefore a good time to overhaul:

Section 8-track player :

Cleaning the pickup , lubrication of moving parts.

Adjusting the azimuth at his best for four programs.

Adjust the stereo balance .

Speed ​​adjustment . In this way, it is not easy for us in Europe as strobe included on the board of the capstan is intended to be read with an incandescent lamp on a U.S. current with a "crazy" frequency of 60hz ! If I adjust speed with european 50 hz, it is wrong.

So we must cogitate ... Knowing the diameter of the drive axis of the 8 tracks band and the playback speed (9.5 cm / s) I conclude that the correct rate of rotation of the plate should be 298.4 r / min. (300 r / mn is ok too...)

Radio section:

Some adjustments and ferrite cores

Cleaning and lubricating the mechanism of pre-selection of stations .

Clutch adjustment variable capacitor.

Another tip on these older receivers:

Do not install modern antenna amplifier because some more current in the internal antenna circuit can damage the AM section.

Do not install a filter capacitor on power line of the receiver.

Well, I done here these few amateur opinion because to be honest on the French forums, all that technical issue don't generate long topics ...

And finaly, Google helped me for my english, but not enough, sorry to all ...

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Guest Philippe

Thank's Roger...

I had training with my father for long years because radio was his hobby ...

At his time, he play with electronic tubes amplifiers and some HT on old B&W TV let him jump very high in living room ...

Nice time maybe compare with flat TV today.

He made himself one receiver for frequency airplane bands !

Today, I live closely to Orly Airport and sometme I stay tuned on planes.

It is funny (for me on ground floor !) to ear crew's problems with some accessory not working well before or after take off !!!

If you have one original radio no sound well, tell me ...

Have a nice evening Roger,

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Guest Philippe
Bon soir Philippe! Je m'appel Geoff en Etas Unis (Missouri).

j'ai une 1949 Buick Sedanette:


Bonsoir Geoff,

Belle auto cette Buick. Félicitations !

Engine Fireball ?

Je suis au sud de Paris, Morangis, just at the south of Orly Airport.

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