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E Bay Reatta Crazy $Prices$


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E Bay has gone crazy again. Up for bid is a 1990 Reatta Dash Bezel...<B>$$$250.00</B> This is not the IPC, just the black surround. Ebay never ceases to amaze me. <P>Check it out at: <A HREF="http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1810467754&r=0&t=0" TARGET=_blank>http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1810467754&r=0&t=0</A>

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I watched it up to about $30.00 then walked away. But it was a very clean piece and they often get tweaked from removal but not worth that kind of cash to me. I am amazed at the prices both new and used for parts for these Reattas!<BR>ronvb shocked.gif" border="0

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For some reason, people will sometimes pay more for something on Ebay that they can usually find somewhere else. For instance, last year I bid on a new 40GB hard drive, but the price went up to $150 and I stopped bidding. You can buy a 40GB hard drive at CompUSA for around $100. Why would anyone pay more for something just because it's being auctioned? I bid on Frontpage 2000, which isn't even the latest version, and it went up to $140. You can buy the latest version for $150.<P>Ebay is only a bargain if you keep your fingers crossed and hope that no one else stumbles across something that you bid on before the item closes.

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