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1932 instrument panel

Earl B.

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Is there some way I can clean the center of the dash without ruining it? It is the engine turned section that holds the instruments. It looks like it's just dull... where the knobs and bezels were, it's more shiney and cleaner looking... thanks, Earl

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Packard32</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Is there some way I can clean the center of the dash without ruining it? It is the engine turned section that holds the instruments. It looks like it's just dull... where the knobs and bezels were, it's more shiney and cleaner looking... thanks, Earl </div></div>

You know that they sell a reporduction part now for $750. I do not have the address, but if you are interested let me know and I will dig it out. I used the repo on my interior restoration.

However, just for grins, I did clean my up my original quite a bit using Wenol metal polish. It came out looking quite good for being 75 years old.

dash picture

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Tbird,, the $750 is what I'm trying to avoid.... I have soooo many more things to put that money on.. and much to my sorrow, I still haven't found that gold mine in my back yard... the only thing in the back yard so far is a money pit called Packard....

Your dash is beautiful for sure.. and your car is too, I saw pictures somewhere on here...

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I'll send you a PM with the email of one of the workers there. I rather not expose his email to the spammers of the world. Funny thing is last Oct at Hersey, I spotted a dash engine turn piece with bezel for sale for $300. I offered $100 explaining I just wanted a spare in case I screwed up the one I had. The person manning the space said I would have to talk to his dad who wasn't there at the time. I came back later, and spoke with his dad. He said he would not take less than $300 but he said you can buy a repro right around the corner. I went to the spot pointed out to me, and this vendor never had these pieces out for display. He makes a lot of 32 repo parts but leaning more towards the V-12s.

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