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Posts posted by Franklin31

  1. Had that happen on a BMW600(aircooled) once; head of a valve popped off where welded to stem. But thankful I wasn't on the interstate with an 18 wheeler behind us where we were about 10 minutes earlier, because it locked down the car immediately. I would not be writing this. Having to put new exhaust guides and valves in the 151 right now. Will send you the Picasa photo diary on your mail.

  2. Hey guys; I am having firing problems on my '31; was running 6 years ago but now has no fire. Found polarity on coil wrong but that is not suppose to affect anything but provide a weak spark. Also found 5.3 ohms primary resistance whereas it should be around 1.5 ohms; don't know about that?? If I need to remove the switch/coil, how does it the switch come out of the dash with ruining something. Can't find anything about this. Someone here's done it? Thanks for any tips on this?? have checked out distributor and all seems ok there. have primary fire and amp discharges when points are closed.




  3. tks-believe I have it: change the 'collapsed' to 'expanded' at the top right, then just click on the last one on the staggered replies. Then make the desktop icon shortcut to the expanded subject thread list and not the list by subject.

    That way you don't have to scroll.

    Knew there had to be a way~~~

    Again thanks for the tip.

    OR if this is NOT the way you meant, advise.

  4. tks,Paul, for this info. Makes me wonder about the club Series 15 & 16 Parts cat. copy I received.

    Section 22:Shades-Upholstry-Tool Equipt., has nothing in it;

    nor does Sect 19:Door Locks-Door Hinges-body Fittings;

    nor does Sect 21: Floor Boards-Floor mats-Tread Plates-Seats & Cushions;

    nor does Sect 23: Commercial Accessories;

    nor does Sect 24: Special Shop Tools;

    nor does Sect 25:Quanity Prices

    SO---I don't have a picture !!!!

    Should I have???



  5. Have a heavy-duty jack that came with the car[assume original] but it doesn't have the jack handle with it. This jack works like the lightweight Model A Ford Jacks; is 10" high at lowest point{nested}. The slot that the jack handle fits in is 3/8" wide and 1" high. Certainly no problem on getting a piece of steel like that but I was wondering how long to make it. I know it really doesn't matter (not a purist);but if anyone has an 'original' I would like to know. If this jack is not original then it doesn't matter anyway. The writing on the jack is B3972.

    Decided to post photo-small jack is Ford Model A.




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