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Everything posted by Skip5015

  1. Hi, I was wondering if You had a working radio and cd player? Thanks Skip
  2. Hi, I was wondering if You had a working radio and cd player? Thanks Skip
  3. I agree with Tommy and I would add they all appear to have white wall tires. Gangster ones!
  4. Hi Wally! Long time no see? A couple of more insights on top side oil changes. Normally the oil drain plug is installed in the lowest part of the oil pan. So unless You are lucky enough to get the suction hose in that low spot I dont think You can get it all. Another thing is almost all drain plugs are magnetic to catch small metal particles that are floating around in all engines. By pulling the plug not only will the pan drain more but You can wipe these magnetic particles off the plug and then there is no chance of them recirculating in the engine.
  5. Fox, I just pulled the front wheels off My Reatta and found My right side was kissing the plastic just like Yours but Mine was easier, it was only the tab on the bottom of the plastic was in front of the radius rod instead of behind it. Putting in behing moved it about 1/2 inch in. Yours looks to be in the right place by Your pictures. Anyway the racks have sleeves on each end that serve as shock absorbers when You pull the steering too far either way.It is behind the large snap ring where the inner tie rod goes. I am just wondering if They used a generic rack that might have different ones in it or possibly a rebuilder put a thinner sleeve on Your right side. That is the only thing I see that stops the wheels from going too far either way. With it leaking already it will be a warranty deal anyway so maybe they will sove Yor problem anyway by replacing the rack.
  6. I stand corrected Fox. I went out and Jacked Mine up after looking in the shop manual and sure enough there are no stops. Surely they set the toe in after it was installed????
  7. Fox does it look like the wheel stop on that side has been adjusted?
  8. Hi Fox, My guess is that when They pulled the plastic off the wheel well to replace the rack, They didnt get it installed exactly as it was and this side is sticking out a bit. Probably not Your rack. Only the Guy working on it will be able to tell You for sure. Skip
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