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Everything posted by unimogjohn

  1. It is Friday, April 17th, PM. Another good day for the garage build. First, the electric cooperative design engineer came out and walked the buried cable route with Alice as I was on a repair errand. They decided the route and the location of the transformer. So we are good to go. They want all the final grading done before they will come out and install the cable. Second, the four carpenters did a great job of installing the man door and finishing the siding. All four walls are done. Then they concentrated in putting in the soffits and skirting where the gutters will be attached. Everything looks great. A first class job. They also finished the grading of the garage pad. On Monday their plan is to finish trimming the corners, installing the gutters, and finishing the soffits on the gable ends of the building. They are also getting a tamper machine to finish leveling the gravel for the pad. Third, the garage door folks are suppose to be out early next week to measure the doors and head back to the office to assemble all the piece parts for the three doors. Fourth, I have asked the builder when the concrete folks are going to show up. The pour will be done at two different times, the pad and then the entries to the doors. These will not be done until the excavation folks finish the final grading. My goal is to push the builder for the concrete pad by the end of the week. I also picked up my open trailer from the farm next door. Got it home and found a flat tire. Another bad valve stem. Glad I found it as it will be used by Steve and his 1967 Camaro. He would not be a happy camper if he started his trip to Virginia Beach with a flat.
  2. It is Thursday, April 16th, PM. The workers have left for the day, and work they did. The two windows are in and the siding is on except for about three panels on one side. They just ran out of time. Tomorrow they will finish the siding, put in the door, and put metal on the soffits and run the downspouts. They are also leveling and tamping the pad for the concrete. I hope that the concrete pad is poured next week. I also got the 1923 McLaughlin Buick out of the trailer. I had to prime the little gas tank to get it to start, but once started the little tank filled just fine. I had not run the car since Hershey last year. I started to do some light cleaning and noticed that I still had 8 Phillips head screws in the robe holder. How did that happen! Luckily I have lots of slotted screws from the restoration. Not perfect looking, but now at least they are correct for the era of the car. Also took a pic of a thread coming apart on my top. David did my top about eight years ago. He said it is still under warranty and will fix it next week when he fits the side curtains. Now that is great customer service. So all in all it was a great day. And all the flowers are finally starting to pop.
  3. Still Wednesday, but now PM. The two windows and the man door were delivered this afternoon. Hopefully, they will go in tomorrow. Anyway that is my plan. I also received the support lift tool via FedEx. Now that was fast, just ordered it yesterday morning. I won't take it out of the box until the garage is complete and the 2 post lift is in.
  4. It is Wednesday, April 15th, late AM. I would have never thought this little blog of sorts would reach 250,000 views. It will be interesting when it peters out. Right now it still gets about 200 views per day. Garage info: Yesterday I had our local broadband provider come over to see how I can get to the Internet from the garage. He told me that he would install a another radio in the house connected to my existing service and beam the signal to another radio in the garage with a wifi router to broadcast in the garage. Good deal, no wires to bury. We discussed where it should go and its electrical requirements. So this morning I mounted a little shelf to hold the receiver and the router. All set and ready to go. I also decided to mount the meter panel. That was an easy job. It is only loosely held in place as the siding will go on first and then I will mount it permanently. The construction crew did not show up this morning, and it is an OK day. So wrote the construction owner a "what's up" and this is taking forever email. Hopefully, that will make them press ahead and finish the job.
  5. It is Tuesday, PM, April 14th. It is raining hard, and as the result the workers did not even show up. Sure glad they are not being paid by the hour. But I took the opportunity to order some tools for the new garage. Kinda like putting the cart before the horse. I ordered a 20 gallon oil drain canister, a telescoping transmission jack, and a telescoping support pedestal. So when the garage is done and the 2 post lift installed, I will have all the tools to begin work. And I received this note from Greg. Our fiend Paul is selling a set of 15 inch wire wheels for an Avanti. Here is the note: Paul asked me to mention to you that he has a set of knock off wire wheels for sale that came on his Avanti . 15", he says they will also fit some Fords, Chryslers, and AMC cars. Says he doesn't want a fortune, just getting the word out before they go in the Valley Trader. You'll see him at the Va. Beach national. So if anyone has an interest let me know and I will give you Paul's contact information.
  6. It is Monday, PM, April 13th. For those interested in the garage build, here is today's update. The two man crew was on the dot at 7 AM. Today work included putting on the roof ridge cap after laying in some special plastic mesh material that keeps out birds and insects. The mesh is about three inches deep and four inches wide. With the cap on and secure they put molding around all the garage bay openings in preparation for the siding installation. Finally, they installed two bolts through each of the trusses and posts. These connection will provide for the 90 mph wind resistance. I think tomorrow they are going to install the windows before the siding goes on. Hopefully, they can begin siding tomorrow too.
  7. Still Sunday and still PM. We had great weather for our first ever Cars and Coffee at the Orlean Market, Orlean, VA. We had a total of about 35 cars come out. It beat our high estimate by a bunch. Everyone had a great time. The market went the extra mile with a moon bounce for the kids and an outside coffee and pastry area. A lot of drop in came too. So it was quite a crowd. I also met with Jack Richards, the third owner of our Jaguar. We had a great time discussing the Jaguar during his period of ownership from 1965 to 1979. He told me lots of stories and pointed out some nicks and scars, and the reasons for them What a great day. And Alice drove the Avanti too. Both cars were well received. Here are some of the pics we took to include Jack back in the Jaguar.
  8. It is Sunday, April 12th PM. We have a Greg report for your afternoon reading. "Now that the weather is shaping up, not enough time for the things to do. Yesterday Barb and I did the Universal/Carnegie deathmarch. Early morning departure for next to Pittsburgh to retrieve two radiators, my Overland and Peter Jakab's Model T. Although it is a nice drive through the wilds of West Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia again to Pennsylvania, to then reverse the direction and make it home made for about a fourteen hour road trip. Today we are paying the price with aches and pains from sitting on hard pickup seats. This morning we were to meet with the Unimog crowd to get some cars together, we just didn't make it. So I worked for the boss. It's something when drilling and tapping holes, cutting and welding is easier than going out to play. Enclosed find a photo of the Overland cooler. Cleaned, tested, a few leaks repaired, the rusted steel core's face lightly bead cleaned and painted. Making the brass shiny brought out a few dings and things, but you know what, that's provenance and proof that it isn't a repro. It's very nice for over a hundred years old. Also find a pic of the buffed and coated horn parts awaiting assembly. Most of my life I was opposed to clearcoating, knowing that the time would come when the brass would tarnish underneath and it would have to be stripped and redone. Now I've matured to the opinion that it will be the next guy's problem." =
  9. David, come on out any nice day. We are almost always home. It is Saturday, PM, April 11th. I spent the morning putting in the plywood mounting board for the meter panel. The building siding will go over the plywood and then the panel will be bolted through the siding and plywood. I used two thickness of 5/8 th plywood, and used long coated decking screws to fasten everything together. It is not going anywhere, and will hold the base just fine. Here are a couple of pics of my little Kubota tractor and the contractor's Bobcat machine in the garage. Oh, and that little person just inside the 10 ft bay is me. Gives you a perspective how large the garage is. Tomorrow is our first ever Cars and Coffee. We are hoping for a good turnout. We are thinking of a once per month event for right now. Will take an informal poll and see how everyone feels.
  10. Now almost noon, and the wall panels are going up. Goes really fast. They may get it done by quitting time. Pictures include man door and window framing. Oh forgot, they told me last night that all the trusses will be bolted to the posts where they intersect. Currently, they are nailed. They have cleared the driveway into the large bay so this weekend I can drive a couple of cars in so we can see how things look. All the old cars have been wiped down, ready for the show on Sunday.
  11. It is Friday, AM, April 10th. Wow, cooler this morning, only 40 degrees and a cold mist. We are suppose to get to 80 degrees by the PM with a few thunderstorms coming in. Garage update: Crew arrived at 7 AM and now have two windows framed as well as the man door. Have also started to do the final gravel level in preparation of the pad for concrete. Just talked to the head carpenter, and they do plan to start hanging metal this morning. Hope to get the Jaguar and Avanti out of the trailer/garage so I can do some cleaning before the Cars and Coffee event on Sunday. Tomorrow I want to get the 1923 McLaughlin Buick started and begin the clean up for the AACA meet in Virginia Beach at the end of the month. Will give a PM report on the garage.
  12. Still Thursday, but PM. Just got word that there is going to be the first ever, three day old car parts swap meet in Luray, VA May 14, 15, 16. Luray is a little country town over the Blue Ridge Mountains. Nice part of Virginia for sure. Here is the link to the AACA forum discussion. http://forums.aaca.org/f213/mid-atlantic-pre-war-swap-meet-389271.html I will be heading over there on Friday for sure. Here is information on the mountains if you are interested. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Ridge_Mountains Houston! We have a roof. Well almost. The roof panels are all on and secure. The ridge cap remains to be done. With the roof on the inside of the garage is just HUGE. Today was cooler, just got to 50 degrees. Tomorrow, 80 degrees and thunderstorms in the PM. Siding starts to go up tomorrow.
  13. It is Thursday morning, April 9th. Rained hard yesterday so the garage crew called it a day, in fact they never came. But today they are here bright and early. Weather looks even more unsettled than yesterday. They hope to have the roof on today. Got an email last night from Dave who I correspond with from time to time. He has a XK120 OTS and lives about an hour and a half away in Vienna, VA. Anyway he wrote that Jack R, the third owner of our Jag was coming for a visit and wants to see his old car. Jack owned the car from 1965 to 1979. Told him about the Cars and Coffee event on Sunday, and if that did not work to come to the farm in the afternoon. Will be great to finally meet Jack. He gave me the entire history of the car since its birth. He has been following it all these years. He must be in his 80s so it will be great to get him behind the wheel and take his old car for a spin again. Of course I will take lots of pictures.
  14. Interesting how building aspects differ. And here are the load specs on the garage from the builder. Wind Load is 90MPH…miles/hr, Ground Snow Load 30# psf, and Roof Snow Load 25.2# psf.
  15. Spinneyhill, raining here this morning and looks to be a wet day so I do not think roof construction will continue. But based on your observance (which I appreciate) I asked about diagonal bracing. The builder said that they would be put in once the roof is on. Right now they have several load straps under high tension going from the bottom of the posts to the upper structure. I will take pics of them today for you. He said that they are temporarily there to ensure the garage remains square as they put the roof on. He said the straps will come out when the roof is complete and the bracing is put up. The roof is rated for 110 mph wind as I remember, but will check.
  16. It is Tuesday, April 7th. We headed off this morning to get the electrical easement paperwork notarized. Got home and sent in all the paperwork to the electric cooperative. Of course we had to send in a construction check of $4500. That hurt. More work accomplished on the garage. Half of the roof is on, and it really looks good. They first put down a foil backed bubble mat to wick away the condensation that might form under the metal roof. Hopefully, the bad weather will hold off for tomorrow so they can continue. Expect the roof to be done by close of business on Wednesday.
  17. Monday, April 6th, PM. The workers have left for today after putting in a hard day. All the trusses are up and half of the roof panel support structure is in. They were like acrobats up there. So lots got done today. I also awoke the Avanti from her winter nap. She started right up. Topped off all the fluids and did a quick inspection. Am going to take her for a run after supper. I also started some clean up work on the 1989 Taurus SHO. Tore part the trunk and uncovered lots of water in the spare tire wheel well. So pulled all the rug and jute material, washed them and letting them dry. I have some surface rust on the jack but nothing major. Got all the water out of the wheel well. No damage, everything looks fine. No rust. Can hardly wait until I can get it in the new garage.
  18. I would rather pay to have my car safe and secure than to leave it on the street or the hotel parking area where bad things can and do happen. It is a plus that we can go to the museum and see all the exhibits and things they have to offer. I do not see the fee as excessive or a burden. See you all there.
  19. Getting excited now that the show is only a month away. Guess I better wake the old girl up from her winter's sleep. Any idea as to how many registrations there are?
  20. Kerry, I am going to install three large ceiling fans for summer comfort. Hopefully, if the money holds out, I will be installing a Moline "Hot Dawg" ceiling propane furnace, 125,000 BTU for winter use. The building will be insulated as well as the doors. Anyway, that is the plan right now. No plan for a AC unit.
  21. Still Thursday. Well, the construction guys left for the day. They got a lot done. All the structure minus trusses, windows and man door framing are done. The drainage is all done and the downspout connections are ready. The concrete forms for the floor are all done except for the three openings for the cars, which will be done just before the pour. They are picking up the two windows and man door tomorrow and will frame them in. The garage is looking good, finally. They delivered the insulation that will go under the metal roof. While it does have some R value, its primary purpose is to direct condensation from the underside of the metal roof panels to the outside. The contractor owner stopped by and said that he will have a four man crew here on Monday to finish the building. I am hoping that the building will be complete by the end of the week to include prepping for the concrete. The large opening left open at the end of the garage is to slide the trusses through rather than taking them around the garage and into one of the bay openings.
  22. Just received another little chirp from Greg. The video is a good one. That is one scary beast of a car. " Some thoughts on the video clip: 1. A member of the ground crew either lost his balance and took a header or dropped dead. 2. That first launch really was the best as it ran smoothly through the rpm range. What a low gear ratio..... 3. Looking over the hood reminds me of a locomotive. 4. They are really carrying the mail during that landscape shot. 5. Must have sounded awesome as it motored along that wall. 6. Mr. Pittaway has truly captured the spirit, belching smoke, fire and spewing oil. No oil control rings in this baby. 7. As fast as it is, that pheasant was faster. Watch The S76 Fiat Belch Fire And Smoke As It Is Driven At The Goodwood Estate | The Old Motor =
  23. It is Thursday morning, April 2nd. We are going to hit 70 degrees today so good progress should be made on the garage. I intend to wake the Avanti from her slumber today too. In the meantime, for your reading pleasure, we have a report from Greg. "In like a lion and out like a lion. Hopefully March is out of here. And maybe with the trend toward warmer weather I'll be feeling more productive. But I've been getting a few things accomplished. The old saying is "time is money". Well, money can buy time. During this past winter I've been making "car payments", mostly on the Overland project. While the seat restoration is in the works I've been farming out work that I can't do or don't have the time for. I'll have to get everything together for a group shot. For tonight I'll include a pic of the brass plating that just arrived. Overland shift and brake lever components and the spark and throttle quadrant. Done by Acme Brass Plating in Kansas City. Great attention to detail (even masked the threads but plated the ends) and I don't think they lost a thing. With today's call from "trimacar" David Coco that the ebay lamp we bid on had arrived, and with the pleasant day at hand, I decided to patronize the Seabiscuit and make the trip to Winchester after work. A brief visit and then with the highway still calling, we zoomed off for Jefferson, Md . Burchill's establishment. The lamp at hand to be screwed to the '10 REO. Now to find a mate for it. Yes, it looks a bit brighter than the rest of the brass, but Mother Nature should take care of that. Then with Rob's help, I finished the Stoddard's horn installation (functional now) and tightened some screws. Not quite dark, it was time to head South. Still a cloudless sky and a very scenic sunset over the Harper's Ferry Potomac the Avanti and I plunged into the starry dark. Cruising along at the speed limit, two thousand rpm and the exhaust humming and the supercharger whistling ......the hour and a half drive seemed only a few minutes. You know what I'm talking about Rhodes. They just don't build automobiles like that any more. (My opinion)" =
  24. It is April 1st, PM, Wednesday. Well, the garage project is moving ahead, bit by bit. Today they almost finished the drainage project. Only the downspout connections to be built and buried. Then they can get back to the garage itself. Here are the pics for the day. The drainage system looks like it will be great for many years to come. On a side note we went to dinner at our little hamlet down the road. We were talking to the new owner and asked him about hosting a Cars, Motorcycle, and Coffee. He thought that it was a great idea so we will be having a little event on Sunday, April 12th, from 11 AM to 1 PM. The place will be Orlean Market, in Orlean, VA.
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