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Posts posted by zepher

  1. I inherited both the Rickenbacker and the Pierce Arrow that I own.

    Growing up, I was the one that took most of an interest in those cars and I was always there when they were being worked on, driven or just being rubbed on.

    I'm the 'car guy' of my family so it was a natural fit that I got both cars when my grandfather and father passed.


    As proof of my devotion to these two cars, I even sold the '64 Malibu SS convertible that I had owned for over 34 years so I could have space and more funds to put into the Pierce and the Rick.

    • Like 5
  2. A very neat car and a great stash of goodies to go along with it.

    Glad to hear the car is in good hands, I did notice quite a few other pre-war cars in the background of one picture.

    Would love to see some pictures of the car out and about in the area you live.

    Not too often you see pictures of American pre-war cars out and about in Brazil.

    • Like 2
  3. 47 minutes ago, 8E45E said:

    I grew up in Edmonton, and they work great if one knows how to use them and not stop, and most importantly, USE THEIR SIGNAL LIGHT; especially when they plan to exit the circle!   As said, the idea is to keep traffic moving.  


    The most dumbassed thing Calgary did a few years ago was build one that straddles a main CP Rail north-south railway track which is the complete antithesis of a traffic circle when a train is present.  Because its a main rail line, there are minimum 75-100 railcars with pushers in the middle or the rear, vehicular traffic comes to complete halt for a good ten minutes, and after the train is long gone, its a total clusterf*ck for another 20 minutes before traffic moves freely again after who decides to let who enter or leave the circle.     Google ariel view of our city's incompetent traffic engineering's effort here:  Google Maps



    On the plus side, the police station is right next to this horrible idea so they don't have to travel far to take accident reports.

  4. Back in HS, in electronics class we would charge up huge capacitors with wire lugs on top and call someone's name so they turned around.

    We then tossed the capacitor to them and your first reaction is to catch it.

    Always good for a laugh but people catch on after a few rounds.

    But the new guys in class always got initiated. 

    We even built a massive Tesla coil in class.

    It was a ton of fun in that class.

    Learned everything from basic electronics theory to troubleshooting to radio to microwave transmission.

    We even did a little bit of wave guide study over the fours years I was in the class.

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  5. 56 minutes ago, Larry Schramm said:

    Here is what I use to check capacitors/ condensers.   And yes, I put this tester together from the kit back in the day.



    thumbnail (5).jpg

    That is a very nice tester.

    If you don't have a spare magic eye tube for the indicator, you may want to find one now.

    They are getting very hard to find.

    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, edinmass said:

    Interestingly, USPS overall is more reliable for on time or early delivery than FedEx. Worst issue with FedEx……if you overnight package is going to be late…..they will lie and say they attempted a delivery and “no answer”. Well, we have video of the streets in front of our shop, and can prove their BS. Three times in the last year they admitted the attempt was “fake”…….and my package was left at the warehouse. I could go on……as most people who ship every day also can. I have had much better luck dealing with USPS lost or missing things than FedEx or UPS. Big Brown seems the worst to deal with.

    FedEx did the "attempted delivery" lie with one of my sites at work.

    It was a delivery of over $6k worth of network patch cables for a million dollar plus network equipment project we just started.

    The location is a school so they figured they'd lie and say the school was closed for winter break.

    Problem for FedEx is the on site warehouse has been open every day with normal delivery hours.

    Our cameras showed no FedEX truck ever pulled up to the gate on the date they claimed to have attempted delivery. 

  7. Since I grew up around pre-war cars, I have always loved cars of that era.

    The lines, the smells, the handmade portions of those cars always seemed like rolling artwork.


    In my early 20's I was into muscle cars and bought a 1964 Malibu SS convertible 327/4 speed car.

    I drove that car all over creation as it was my daily driver for many years.

    But, even while I was pursuing muscle cars, my interest in pre-war cars never waned.


    Growing up riding around in my Dad's Rickenbacker attending shows, my Dad always looked at the rows and rows of Ford Model As and said, 'Model As are like elbows and a**holes, everybody's got one' so my Dad is probably rolling over in his grave since I have been hankering for a Model A to drive the wheels off of.

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