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Posts posted by mercer09

  1. was just told I would be banned for listing and selling of car titles.............


    never knew this was a problem till today, so I am saying good bye. Was nice interacting with all of you the last few years, but I have no interest in censorship in this regard.


    sad the group keeps getting smaller, but I guess it is the way it is.


    a few of you should be quite happy!


    take care.

  2. 1982 Kaw 750 gpz- brand new from the factory. you would hit 120 and the front end would go bursurk!


    talk about unnerving!!!!!!!!  the front forks needed a stiffener-too much flex. Happened to me several times and learned to just let off the gas and not touch the brakes.......


    Northern Italy shows a clear example of this situation. They have at least as good a medical system as North America




    Sorry Greg, not even close. let me know the next time you want to get an operation.  You wont want it done in Italy......... (as a matter of fact- many Canadians come to America to be operated on)


    One quarter of the US population squeezed into a state of less parameter then Oklahoma.  Not a good idea.



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