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Posts posted by Booreatta

  1. I understand the business side of the shows but it seems to me that the prices are very high. If an item was worth a lot of money why wouldnt the owner just sell the item themselves. Put it in a auction and make as much money as possible. The shows are interesting to watch.

    History has a few shows I think is a waste of time. Swamp people and Ice Road Truckers are really boring. I would like to meet the guy who would take a tractor rig on thin ice in the first place.

    Chuck Kerls


  2. BJM I am glad you are thinking about running for the BCA, I am also thinking about making another run. The hard part of running is winning. There are people in the BCA and any club that are always looking to take a cheap shot from the get go. How easy is it for a member of the BOD to be compaired to a dead tuna. That my friend is a very cheap shot. Thats what I would like to see changed. I have not talked to many rational people that want to BRING THINGS TO A BOIL. I would think that we could conduct ourselves as professionals that we are supposed to be

    I will not make any more comments on this subject

    Chuck Kerls



  3. I did the treasure hunt a couple years ago on a car I had shipped from Pennsylvania. I needed to replace the ECC unit and when removing the IP bezel, I dropped two screws down that-a-way. Besides the expected pen, paper clips, a rubber band, a hair bonnet/ribbon and various business cards, also found three $20.00 bills (folded up as one bill in a triangle) and two condoms still in their packet (ribbed,...for her pleasure).

    ...and I did find the screws.

    Hey if you found $20.00 folded bill they must be mine I lost 3 at the casino the other day. Did they have "Wheres George" stamped on them, Just put them in the mail.....And I dont want the condoms Thanks lol

    Chuck Kerls

  4. Well now, I sat in the last directors meeting and I cant remember seeing a lot of members in the room. I know one thing for sure, there should be someone from Mars Pa. and someone from Madrid Iowa on the ballot for BCA Director next April. If you get elected then you can cast stones in person. Maybe its not a dead tuna you are smelling. It is clear that criticism is the easiest part of your day

    I am proud of the folks that standup and run for office, Its not easy and a lot of stones need to be dodged in a year but if you dont contibute something, they why do you bother with with your posts.

    Like the bumper sticker used to say " Mean People Suck

    Sorry for my post

    Chuck Kerls



  5. Yep Lamar the 60,s and 70,s were a great time to be alive. I still have a bunch of old 8 tracks and in fact I still have some 4 tracks. About the horn, yep I still have one in the Riviera. Best part is I still use it when someone walks in front of the car and I want to see them jump. The kids love it. Ahh to be young again.

    Thanks for the memories

    Chuck Kerls


  6. Well one thing is for sure we are a throw away bunch. I know there a lot of older buildings on the east coast but as you go west it seems that a lot of them are cast offs. I dont think there are many buildings of any kind that are older than 100 years in Kansas. A lot of them here are not made to last over 25 years or so. There were some old Buick dealerships in the Bugle last year, most of them are something else now.

    Americans are not very interested in history and thats one reason that stuff gets torn down. Its really too bad in a way

    Chuck Kerls


  7. I have this to remove the anti theft lugnuts - the part I need would fit into the empty spot of above first picture. If it did not come with Reatta's fine, it does show it in the owners manual though.[/quote

    Keith that key that you have was most likely made by a company called McGard out of N. I have see several of these over the past few years and I dont know for sure but I was told it was a dealer ad on for the Reatta. The company is still in business and they are located in Orchard Park New York. If you have the wrong key they can help you Phone is 888-888-9192

    Chuck Kerls


  8. Ok here is the latest on the car in KC. Ed said he thought the car was owned by a young woman and she was not trying to run a scam. Well Ed was correct. She was young and made a mistake on mileage. I had the car checked out and it turned out to be a very nide car. The true mileage is 79,000 and the car runs like a new one. I have been looking for a daily driver so I just purchased it. Sometimes it pays to be open minded. This is a great car, I have seen cars in worse shape on show fields at National meets. I will plan to keep this car for a daily driver.

    Chuck Kerls


  9. Just got an email from a friend on HOW HOT IS IT

    1 seat belts make pretty good branding irons

    2 it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car

    3 potatoes cook underground, all you have to do is pull one out and add butter

    4 cows are giving evaporated milk

    5 In Kansas the Baptists are starting to baptize by sprinkling, the Methodists are using wet-wipes, the Presbyterians are giving rain checks and the Catholics are praying for the wine to turn back to water

    Chuck Kerls


  10. I just thought that it was hot out at the track at the National meet in NC, but today just for kicks I took my digital thermo out to the parking lot (blacktop) and the readout pegged 132. Can asphalt turn liquid. The chickens here are being fed crushed ice to keep them from laying hard boiled eggs and the trees are whistling for dogs.

    It cant last forever

    Hot in Kansas

    Chuck Kerls


  11. Robert I read your article in the Bugle and thought it was very good. Looks like Pete has made the right choice. You might want to put some background information in a post here on the forum, like more information on what you do and some other personal stuff that the guys here get to know you. Pete says really good things about your writing. You have already heard from two of the best guys on the forum group, Mike and Lamar. Good job and good luck

    Chuck Kerls


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