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Bill Boudway

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Posts posted by Bill Boudway

  1. Re: 1937HD45

    Yes, living in town has its distinct disadvantages.

    I know of a collector in the Cleveland, OH area that solved his problenm with the local zoning officials. He bought the home across the street, removed room partitions, reinforced the floors, put up curtins over the windows, and moved his cars in.

    All it took was $$$$.


    Bill Boudway smirk.gif

  2. Let me introduce you to "The Roach".

    It's a 1920 Packard Twin Six that will donate some parts for our long term restoration project.

    It was named by a collector who was familiar with it's "life" on the west coast before the previous owner decided that it was an upside down financial deal to restore it. laugh.gif

    Bill Boudway

  3. Between shopping, getting Christmas decorations up, and finishing construction of a rocking boat for our grand-daugter, I've managed to get floor pans done for the 1919 Packard Twin Six. Check out the attached photo. The origional floor pan is standing up to the right. Also, have some ash planks roughed out for the body sills.


    Bill Boudway laugh.gif

  4. Hi, Again,

    How about some classy holiday greeting cards to remind your friends about what gifts might be appropriate? 12 cards/13 envelopes to a pack. Artwork be Ken Eberts. Message inside "May your holidays be filled with wonder and delight! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" $8.00/pack + $2.00 postage.

    Call (585) 394-6172, e-mail gnbboudway@msn.com

    Bill Boudway

    105 Deerfield Dr.

    Canandaigua, NY 14424-2409 laugh.gif

  5. Hi,

    Perhaps if Santa sees these classy ornaments hanging on your tree, he'll be reminded to leave some goodies for your antique car.

    Available at $4.00/package of six ornaments + $1.00 for postage.

    Cars included are '55 Chevy, Chrysler Airflow, LaSalle roadster, Brewster(?), Locomobile runabout, and Pierce(?).

    Call (585) 394-6172, or e-mail gnbboudway@msn.com laugh.gif

    Bill Boudway

    105 Deerfield Dr.

    Canandaigua, NY 14424-2409

  6. Hi,

    You might want to check with people in your area for a Mennonite contractor who specializes in barn (garage) construction. We had a 24' X 38' addition to our garage built recently. A Mennonite crew near here put it up in two weeks for 2/3 the cost of the next higher bidder.


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