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  1. 3 years ago this one was on Ebay also but was not sold. In November 2002 the seller wanted $ 5000.00 for it. A friend of mine has checked out the car and found some small rust holes at rocker panels. Here is his summary: 25 years repainted only the bottom all the underside rusty some rock chips 3rd owner dual exhaust, brake fine grip transmission, small, speedo sticks occasionally 2 diples in chrome trim, r.f. corner, right rear corner 2 bbl.., generator replaced no wear on drivers seat, never redone door panels perfect I do have about 25 more photos of that car. I can E-mail them if anyone is interested in; there are also some photos you can see the rust clearly.
  2. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My understanding has been that General Motors assembled small numbers of Buicks at an assembly plant in Belgium during this time period. The cars were assembled from knocked-down kits shipped from North America.</div></div> Brian In 1959 and 60 all the new Buicks that came to Switzerland were assembled in the Flint assembly plant. But in 59 only the models 4439, 4467, and 4739 were imported by GM dealers. That's a big difference to the Chevys: There was a small assembly plants for this models here. Martin
  3. Frederic: I am located in Switzerland and have several '59 Buicks. This problem is well known for me. You need to replace the outer torque ball retainer (with rubber seal), the seal against the propeller shaft and it's O-ring plus the two squared rubber rings at the inner and outer torque ball retainers. The torque ball itself needs no replacement normally. If you need parts: I have all in stock here in Switzerland. Good luck! Martin
  4. Following my researches only the early production '59 Buicks had this shroud; regardless if AC or not. All the later ones used a bracket only to keep in place the radiator.
  5. I am the one who has one of the reproduction already (not via Ebay). I am sorry but I forget to check the mirror glass date. I will do it as soon as I can. Concerning the series of tiny concentric circles that go all the way to the edge of the mirror: The reproduction has not. So the reproduction is somewhat more a 1960 mirror. I also have to mention that the future retail price of that mirror will be $ 125.00. CARS do sell some prototypes on Ebay: They do know they will get much higher prices yet. The "regular" reproduction will be available in about 2 months. Additional, no template and installations instructions are enclosed. If someone wants it: E-mail me, I can send a scan of it. Martin Bernoulli
  6. Hello; Here are the pictures of the hubcaps Jeff needs to get identified:: -------------------- They are for sure not 59 or 60 ones. Martin Bernoulli
  7. What was the reason for our E-mails mails Greg? Sorry, I don't remember. During the past 15 years of hunting NOS 59 Buick parts there were so many nice guys I don't remember me all. Sorry. I doubt the car will be so beautiful: It's risky to buy a car not seen before. It's an eastern US car, this are rusted very often! It will get shipped from Baltimore next week, I will keep you informed as soon as it will be here. Shipping takes about 1 month. ---------------- Martin Bernoulli, BCA 31251 '59 Buick Le Sabre wagon, '59 Buick Electra conv.
  8. Brian - I am the buyer of this vehicle. Wanted to let you know that this one was not sold to Sweden, it's sold to Switzerland. Price is correct. Has the 2T in it, beside the power windows no more options. If you want I may tell you more about condition as soon as the vehicle will be here. ---------------- Martin Bernoulli, BCA 31251 '59 Buick Le Sabre wagon, '59 Buick Electra conv.
  9. [Will be very interrestied in 1959 parts. Send me a list as soon as you have. I do have a '59 Electra conv. and a '59 Le Sabre sta. wagon. If you need any help identifying parts let me know. Respond to: goldene-apotheke@mails.ch Thank you so much.
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