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Jay Wolf

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Posts posted by Jay Wolf

  1. To add a little to my last post:

    I looked at my bill on the trailer (1998) it cost $100 to 12 inches of height to a $5600 trailer.

    That gave me 7?6? ceiling height and with a beaver tail floor 7? 2? door height.

    I went with the ultra wide 8?6? trailer with 8? wall to wall inside. As far as getting in and out that isn?t a problem with older cars, I could open all four of my touring cars doors without hitting the sides, I even worked on my Elgin inside the trailer. I always drove mine in and out of the trailer

    A modern car is a problem getting in and out of unless you have the manufacturer add a door for the drivers door, most trailer companies will do this. .

    If you have a Roadster I would consider putting the top down for trailering and not adding the height, if you have a touring like mine it is too hard to put the top up and down to mess with it.

    As far as my recommendations I would recommend getting a trailer with a pointed or wedge shaped front to help cut the wind. If money isn?t a big issue I would look at the lighter fiberglass trailers.

    I know this is not want you want to hear, but if I was pulling a car that could take the wind I would pull it on an open trailer. The trip is more fun when other people can see your car and comment on it or just give you a thumbs up. And the big PLUS is people will let you pull out in front of them so they can see your car. With a box trailer they will do everything possible so they don?t have to follow you.

    With all the enclosed trailers it just isn't the same going to Hershey like it was 20 years ago, where you talk to everybody on the CB and hooked up with others going to Hershey as far away as IL or IN by seeing what they had on their trailers, cars or junk.


    Illinois Introduces Bill to Further Restrict Inoperable

    Collector Vehicles

            A bill (H.B. 4910) has been introduced in Illinois that would further restrict the ability of Illinois vehicle hobbyists from maintaining inoperable vehicles on private property.  The bill removes historic vehicles over 25 years of age from a list of vehicles exempt from county inoperable-vehicle ordinances if they are not kept within a building.  Under current law, a county board may declare all inoperable vehicles a nuisance and order their disposal.  This bill, if enacted, would subject your ungaraged historic hobby cars to disposal and possible fines.

    We Urge You to Contact Your State Legislators Immediately

    To Request Their Opposition to H.B. 4910

    H.B. 4910 would give local authorities an inordinate amount of power in determining the disposition of historic project cars.

    H.B. 4910 would make it virtually impossible for Illinois hobbyists to maintain inoperable collector vehicles on private property.

    H.B. 4910 demonstrates a lack of understanding of the vehicle hobby and the rights of hobbyists.

    Contact your State Legislators in Springfield immediately by phone, fax or e-mail in opposition to H.B. 4910.  This bill tramples on the rights of vehicle enthusiasts and collectors in Illinois.  If you need assistance in determining who your state legislators are and their contact information, please contact the Illinois Legislature's General Information Line at 217/782-2000.     This information can also be obtained by calling the SEMA Washington, D.C. office at 202/783-6007 ext. 38 or via the Internet at <http://www.enjoythedrive.com/legislative/contact_legislator.asp>

    Please e-mail a copy of your letter to stevem@sema.org, fax to 202/783-6024 or mail to:

    SEMA Washington Office

    1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 500

    Washington, D.C.  20004-1105

    Attention:  Steve McDonald

    SEMA thanks you!

  3. I had an Elgin that was 7 foot tall, I went with an Avenger Vindicator with and extra foot of height added to it. When pulling it, I don?t think it was the weight as much as it was the wind resistance, mine was 8.5 foot wide and 11 feet tall. Like a big parachute behind you. I even bought on of these fancy wing things for my truck and never noticed any difference. Pulling the same car (Elgin about 2600 lbs) behind my Dodge motorhome (360) on a Trailex open trailer, I got 12 mpg, pulling the Vindicator I got 5-6 mpg. I hated to pull that trailer and I have pull trailers all my life. I even pull a trailer with a Rokon on it behind my BMW motorcycle.



  4. Indiana Introduces Bill to Exempt Antique Cars From Taxes

            A bill (H.B. 1295) has been introduced in the Indiana House of Representatives that would exempt motor vehicles registered as antiques from the motor vehicle excise surtax and the wheel tax.   Indiana law defines antique motor vehicles as at least 25-years old. 

    We Urge You to Contact Your State Legislators Immediately

    to Support H.B. 1295

    H.B. 1295 exempts antique vehicles from the county-imposed wheel tax, which, depending on the class of vehicle, can range from $5 to $40 annually.

    H.B. 1295 exempts antique vehicles from the county-imposed annual motor vehicle excise surtax, which varies, depending on the age and value of the vehicle. 

    Contact your State Legislators in Indianapolis by phone, fax or e-mail to support this legislation.  If you need assistance in determining who your State Legislators are and their contact information, please contact the Indiana State Legislature's General Information Line at 317/232-9600.  This information can also be obtained by calling the SEMA Washington, D.C. office at 202/783-6007, ext. 38 or via the Internet at <http://www.enjoythedrive.com/legislative/contact_legislator.asp>. 

    Please e-mail a copy of your letter to stevem@sema.org <mailto:stevem@sema.org> or fax to 202/783-6024 or mail to:

    SEMA Washington Office

    1317 F Street, NW, Suite 500

    Washington, DC  20004-1105

    Attention:  Steve McDonald

  5. I would be glad to be the Region Coordinator. Please don?t look at my suggestions as critical to the current youth program; I just think we need to look in to ways of improvement.

    I volunteer with the Universitie?s Auto Club; I found I have a lot to learn about current 18 year old car enthusiast.

    Case in point we had a 1971 Mustang Mach I donated to the club.

    The instructors and I were all exited that the club could rebuild, repaint and raffle it off as a fund raiser.

    The students looked at the car and said ?Why?

    After all the work you would still have an old Mustang.?

    The one said, I? know where there is a 1985 Prelude we could get and really have something after we fixed it up?.

    Needless to say the instructors and I sat with our mouths wide open.

    We aren?t in trendy Southern California we are in the farming heartlands of Indiana, Four- wheel drive pick-up country.

    Yes! I was one of those who thought no antique cars have been made after 1915,

    Classic cars are recognized by CCCA and AACA should put a cut off year for eligible cars and stop the 25 year old sliding scale.

    Although I still can refer to my 55 Bird as an antique or consider a 78 Pacer as a Classic, I see the need for different interests in AACA especially to get some youth in the club.

    I think it is time some of us Old AACA Lifers started looking in to what is needed to be done to keep the club alive, going and ready to go in the future.

    To survive AACA can?t be ?Our Father Oldsmobile?.

    One of my real concerns is the really old cars, the real antique are not attracting any interest from the youth of today. Next Brass/High wheel tour you see look at the average age of the participants. I know the cost of these cars has a lot to do with it but, I just don?t see the interest.

    In our Technology building we have a large atrium we have 2 planes hinging and usually have 2 cars on display that are rotated about every 30 days usually a race car and a street, classic, custom of some sort. It is very interested to just sit on a side bench a listen to the comments of the students as they look at the cars.

    Currently we have at 1972 MB 600 LWB that was the personal car of Red Skelton.


    I am amaze at how many students have no idea who RED is or was. We are located in Vincennes IN. Red Skelton?s birth place; the University is building a Red Skelton Performing Arts Center and raising funds for a Red?s Museum, but they don?t; know who he is.

    I would bet over 50% that see my 1955 Thunderbird, make comments like

    ?I never really cared for the old Corvettes?, Dismissing it without ever even knowing it is a Ford and not a Corvette.

    I know I am on my Soapbox, but my point is something has to happen.

    We need to inform the youth and get them interested in what we are interested in, or make some changes in acceptance and bring there interests in to the club.

  6. Something I would like to see AACA address is:

    At a lot of the AACA National meeting and events I am the youngest one there and I am almost 50. I was in judging school in Hershey PA and I looked around and but everyone but about 3 of us were retired, I would guess the average age was over 75. What is going to happen to AACA in 20 years?

    I know AACA is doing a lot with their youth programs. My daughter really enjoyed the one 2 years ago at Cedar Rapids and only attended because of the personal invitation given to her at the Friday night dinner by and enthusiastic AACA member.


    One suggestion I would like to make:

    Let younger kids show vehicles as long as they are accompanied by their parents or and adult. I understand insurance reason they would not be allowed to bring the vehicle on or off the show field.

    At least in our Region, a small region of about 25 members, 2 of us have children who want to show a vehicle but they can?t because you have to be 16 years old. Unfortunately by the age of 16 a lot of children no longer want to hang out with their parents the way a 10-15 year old does. We enter vehicles in our names and let the kids do the work and get the trophies. But they would get a real kick out of hearing their name read instead of their mom or dad?s name.

    Last year at the Metropolis for example I had a 1970 Rokon I let my Daughter show, she spent hours cleaning it and it won a Senior.

    I although the call my name I let her get the award.


    Jerry Smith entered a Honda 70 that belongs to his son and it also won its Senior.

    He let his son pick up the award.


    Same a Cedar Rapids 2 years ago:


    I just think it would be nice to let these kids hear their own name announced.

    Both my Daughter and Jerry?s son help in the restoration of these vehicles



    And really worked hard cleaning a polishing them up for the show.

    I think the pride of winning would go a long way toward getting them and other kids hooked for life in the AACA hobby.

    Maybe if could just add their names on with ours it would help. "Shown by, Shown with assistance from, Presented by"

    She enjoys showing the trophy to her friends; it would be great to have her name on it.

    If you doubt what I am saying about 16 year olds look at this picture taken at Cedar Rapids 2 years ago. Setting from left to right are my 12 year old, my wife and my 16 year old who wishes she was somewhere else.


    A picture tells a 1000 words or Pictures don't lie.

  7. The story behind this car is:(loosely paraphrased)

    A friend of mine was doing some family tree research and came across this picture of his great aunt. They were poor people so he wondered how they afforded such big fancy car.

    The story is her father won it in a church raffle. And they were too proud or dumb to sell it. No driver?s license or money for gas they just kept in their front yard and sat in it in the evening as evidently gave the kids baths on the hood. He says he has some more picture of it he is going to scan and send me.

    He wants the year to try and look up in the newspaper for the raffle information.

    He doesn?t know if the car was new car or a used car when they won it.

    He wishes he knew what happened to it. His relatives say it just rotten in to the ground in their front yard till someone towed it away.

  8. I had a similar problem with a 1916 Elgin,

    when closed the bottom of the door was a good 3/4 inch out.

    I tried steaming it all that did was release all the glue.

    After soaking it using Gaffers tape to hold it in shape over a form and regluing it it fit pretty well till the next winter and them it went back to just as it was before only the paint didn't match as well. So I have no answer.

  9. >First- What position should each cylinder be. ie... Valves closed, piston up >or down?

    TDC with crank holding tool. Anything but TDC will show excessive leakage.

    Engine warm if possible.

    >Second- What is an acceptable level of leak down?

    20-40% is low

    40-60% is moderate

    over 60% is high

    Like compression all should be close.

    >Third- Once I have a percentage for each cylinder, how do I determine if in >fact I have a ring problem or a valve problem?

    listen for where to air is leaking.

    noise location problem

    oil fill rings or hole in piston

    cylinder head seam head gasket

    tail pipe exhaust valve

    carb or intake intake valve

    radiator cap head gasket or cracked cylinder

    The lower pitch the sound the larger the leak.

    >Last- What presure (psi) should I be using for the tester? My tester has two >gauges, how do I set these to get an accurate reading from each cylinder. I >run my compressor around 120-130 psi at the tank.

    Most testers have a regulator and a output shut off.

    Turn the output shut off valve off, then open the regulator till the guage reads 100%

    and then you good to go.

    I hope this helps

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