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Posts posted by billorn

  1. 1 hour ago, Lebowski said:

    If you don't hate it then you should consider joining it. They have thousands of groups just for old car lovers of every make and model and of course it's completely free. No matter what kind of old cars you own there's probably a group of fans/owners of it with their own Facebook page so why wouldn't you want to connect with them? There may be some guys in your area who like the same kinds of cars that you do. They also have free ads for everything under the sun and some people think that they have passed Craigslist in the number of free ads especially since Craigslist charges $5 for car ads now. If this is the only old car website that you belong to then you're missing out on a hell of a lot. Some guys on here seem to be proud of themselves because they don't belong probably because they don't understand it. If you did join then after a week or two you would probably say that you should have done that a long time ago. Think about it....



  2. 9 minutes ago, Cole motor car lover said:

    quit crying about it it’s this simple you don’t like what’s being talked about than don’t read it not that hard dude. If you want to contribute to the conversation than do it without complaining and acting like a child I just turned 20 so I find this topic quite important for me especially since I have many old cars with my dad


    And your in no danger of not being able to enjoy them. This is sensationalist hype designed to make you frightened and angry at specific people so you will vote for a different group of people. 


    Even if there was the desire to do this its just not reasonably possible. Outlaw internal combustion and the entire world stops. How does stuff get to the store without trucks? Ocean freight without diesel engines? People in remote areas getting to their jobs? It just can't happen logistically any time soon no matter how much you may think there's an evil cabal of politicians who only want to destroy everything you love.


    Your young. I dont care how you vote just as long as you think first instead of being spoon fed by tv radio and internet pundits who only want you scared and pliable.

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  3. Oh please. Spare us the sky is falling nonsense. Ignoring the logistics of making half a billion cars worthless, do you really think the oil companies, who are so good at lobbying the government that they get subsidies even tho they make $12 billion in profits a year, will let themselves be outlawed? Right.


    Someone's been watching way too much conspiracy boogeyman TV.

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