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Everything posted by sebastienbuick

  1. Indeed I think winter must slip a little ^ ^, which is surprising is that before they borrow it's roads with a lot of slope with their horses, it was not necessary that he slips to risk of this broken one leg Thank you
  2. This is a very old place, we spoke the old French at the time or even another language like "patois" which is an old French language that change depending on the region where we were. We probably talked about Provencal too
  3. thank you very much and happy new year 2019 I saw some old French car of the year 60 outside but in the garages I do not know . here are more pictures
  4. Yes it is a historical monument, small restoration work must be done as originally with the same materials. But since it was not damaged, this place is in very good state of conservation. I still have many more photos to put, I'll put this soon
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