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Posts posted by SeventhSon

  1. Chris, I never did put my Avanti up for the winter this year.  Been driving it every week or so, except when we got the big snow.  Get her out of the storage shed, and remember it does have a heater.


    I did rip into the ignition switch of the Trailblazer to see if I had somehow got it installed wrong.  Nope, installed correctly, but still no starter or ignition.  So off to the dealer it goes in a couple of days.  Just have to make the appointment and call Allstate Towing.  Only took fifteen minutes from start to finish on removing and installing the switch.  I am getting real good at it.

    Oh, I've been driving the old rocket - last time was a couple of weeks ago and I was on tap to drive her again on Sunday but of course the rain came through. And yes, the heater works great!

  2. Ha! Every time I feel like I want to spend some money on the Avanti I end up needing a root canal or new crown or HVAC system, etc. etc.. A man just can't get ahead these days! I haven't added it up but I'm probably at break even point myself. Of course, not that it matters to me - it'll be my widow's decision someday, because I don't ever want to sell it! 


    I did take the old girl out yesterday, since it was calling for rain today. Man, she runs better than she ever has! Strong motor and quick acceleration - she really loves to run! I'm so happy that I fixed the carburetor gasket and the battery cable - runs much better and cranks over really fast.

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  3. Made it back to the storage unit today, but as it was once again raining I knew there would be no fun driving time. Oh well....


    I had picked up (or actually had delivered to my mailbox) a set of valve stem extenders. Knowing the tires needed air, and seeing that the valve stems barely cleared the hubcaps I searched a bit for some short extenders for the stems. Found a set and bought them - cheap enough if I didn't end up using them. So, I brought them with me today - to give them a try. After trying the first one I decided they were too long and actually, the valve stems weren't really as short as I had thought. Turns out that the stem I looked at last week is on the left rear wheel. For some reason that valve stem barely clears the hubcap - the others are OK. I'm not sure why, maybe the tire shop had a shorty stem that they used on that one wheel. Who knows?


    So, I aired up the tires utilizing my combination power jump box/inverter/light/compressor (best thing I ever bought!), and since the left rear tire stem is too short, I used one of the extenders to help add air to that tire. Worked well. I didn't leave any of the extenders on - just stuck them in the console for future use. I know I could just pull the hubcaps off and add air, then put the hubcaps back on. However, it is less trouble to do it the way I did it today, including shopping for and buying the valve stem extenders. It's a real pain to get the hubcaps back on that car!


    I aired the tires up to 28 lbs in front and 26 lbs in the rear - those numbers were totally from memory and therefore most likely totally wrong. I'll find out in a few minutes when I do an internet search for the correct pressures for Avanti. I remember reading that the Avanti handled best with a little less air in the rear.


    I wanted to also wrap the repaired battery cable with some electrical tape, but I couldn't get my big paws in the tight spot. So it's just gonna have to be the way it is for now.


    I didn't even start the old rocket - just too rainy and miserable out. Hopefully I can get back there in a few days and fire her up!






  4. Made it back to the storage unit today, but as it was once again raining I knew there would be no fun driving time. Oh well....


    I had picked up (or actually had delivered to my mailbox) a set of valve stem extenders. Knowing the tires needed air, and seeing that the valve stems barely cleared the hubcaps I searched a bit for some short extenders for the stems. Found a set and bought them - cheap enough if I didn't end up using them. So, I brought them with me today - to give them a try. After trying the first one I decided they were too long and actually, the valve stems weren't really as short as I had thought. Turns out that the stem I looked at last week is on the left rear wheel. For some reason that valve stem barely clears the hubcap - the others are OK. I'm not sure why, maybe the tire shop had a shorty stem that they used on that one wheel. Who knows?


    So, I aired up the tires utilizing my combination power jump box/inverter/light/compressor (best thing I ever bought!), and since the left rear tire stem is too short, I used one of the extenders to help add air to that tire. Worked well. I didn't leave any of the extenders on - just stuck them in the console for future use. I know I could just pull the hubcaps off and add air, then put the hubcaps back on. However, it is less trouble to do it the way I did it today, including shopping for and buying the valve stem extenders. It's a real pain to get the hubcaps back on that car!


    I aired the tires up to 28 lbs in front and 26 lbs in the rear - those numbers were totally from memory and therefore most likely totally wrong. I'll find out in a few minutes when I do an internet search for the correct pressures for Avanti. I remember reading that the Avanti handled best with a little less air in the rear.


    I wanted to also wrap the repaired battery cable with some electrical tape, but I couldn't get my big paws in the tight spot. So it's just gonna have to be the way it is for now.


    I didn't even start the old rocket - just too rainy and miserable out. Hopefully I can get back there in a few days and fire her up!

  5. Thanks Bill - it was a lot of fun getting the old car out.


    I totally agree about supporting the hardware stores, Bill. I was surprised when I pulled into the shopping center parking lot and the first thing I noticed was the fabric store had closed (where I bought some upholstery fabric to re-cover the armrest console in my work truck). Then my eyes moved left toward the hardware store and I was shocked to see the hardware store vacant. I thought, "Nooooooo!". But alas, 'twas true - another one of those wonderful gem of a store where you can find just about anything you may need, especially those hard to find fasteners and doo-dads. Gone. Like so many before it. A victim of the big box stores and the internet. Sad.

  6. Sunday, November 1, 2015. Halloween behind us, an extra hour bestowed upon us (where'd that come from?!), and the "Holiday Season" fast approaching. With my extra hour in my pocket (What did you do with yours?) I gathered up a bunch of tools and headed out to the storage unit, fairly early.


    I was supposed to make the 30 mile trek to a Cars and Coffee event that unimogjohn invited me to. Unfortunately the weather, as it is wont to do, wasn't cooperating. The raindrops were falling and had been since early dark thirty. Puddles and wet pavement abounded everywhere - it didn't bode well for the old Avanti making a trek anywhere. The old girl has enough rust issues without me adding highway spray to the mix. So I resolved to continue my repairs of last week.


    After a breakfast stop I headed into the storage facility and started working on the positive battery cable, removing it from its spot on the starter relay. Good golly, Miss Molly! Looks like Halloween decided to stick around for a bit, what with the scary looking battery cable! Wow, I knew it was having some resistance issues, but I didn't realize it was nearly destroyed. Time for a new cable, I supposed. Things got so hot at the relay that the connector for the hot ignition wire melted through! Yikes!


    Before heading out to pick up a new cable I cleaned up the battery terminals and the lug (?) on the relay. That really needed some attention - I brushed it repeatedly with a small brass wire brush, sprayed a little WD40 on it, and generally got it cleaned up for a new cable. I just squeezed the gap closed that had burned through the ignition connector - I didn't want to bite off more fun than I could deal with today. Off I went to the nearby "supercenter box store" to pick up a few things, a battery cable, an extension for my 3/8" socket (still didn't bring one so I could torque the carburetor nuts), and a couple of other things. No battery cable, at least not one that would work, but I did find a pack of three socket extensions,  3", 6", & 9" ones which will now reside in the tool bag so I will have them. Remind me where I put them next time I'm looking for one. That was a deal for less than 14 bucks for the three extensions, a good brand name too.


    With no battery cable I next headed to 2 auto parts stores, I was ignored at the first one and at the second one I realized they were in over their heads with lots of people carrying lots of broken parts. Granted, I checked their shelves and they didn't appear to have the cable either. I checked a hardware store - closed for business! Oh no! I'm gonna miss that store. Finally I resolved to fix the cable if possible. The next hardware store had the copper cable end for $1.10. Sold! (One of the auto parts store has a similar item, only more cheaply made in a distant land, for $4.99!) So I snagged the one for $1.10 (actually got 2 - never know when you might need another one and you never know when that hardware store might close for business).


    Back to the storage unit I went, where I chopped the end off the battery cable and soon enough had the new end crimped on. Remind me to wrap some electrical tape on that next time I go, since I didn't have any tape with me today. I put the cable back on the relay, tightened everything down, got the torque wrench and torqued the nuts on the carburetor mount (17 lbs per the manual), put everything in order and got in to crank her. She cranked faster than she ever has - sounded like a real car turning over. Soon enough (and without any smoke rising from the battery cable) she fired and fell to an nice idle. I pulled the car out and turned it around in the unit, as I didn't expect to take it out. I just let her idle for a bit, then grabbed the throttle linkage and gunned her a couple of times. Man, she sounded strong!


    I peered outside and noticed that the asphalt lot was nearly dry. Hmmmm, that means the roads are likely dry. Well, I was gonna find out! Out we went and hit the main road the runs north and south. Mainly a speedway like highway, people always charging along. I soon joined them charging up that speedway. The old girl ran better than ever! I guess she likes the sealed up carb and maybe the cleaner electrical connections. What a fun trip - running like a champ! I may have to change her name from Mightyfast to Sup-R-Fast!









  7. Checking in again today after another long hiatus - the usual excuse being work, work, work of course. Besides the occasional drive-around every couple of weeks, I haven't had the time or energy to "get after it" and get anything accomplished. Such is life - no workie, no funnie. 


    Finally today I built up the resolve to get to the storage unit and get after something I have been meaning to take care of, and that is replacing the carburetor gasket. The one I put on three plus years ago has begun to leak apparently, as wet gas is present on the intake manifold after taking a run. That plus the near overwhelming smell of gas in the cabin whilst taking that run - sometimes causing me to hang my head out the window like a dog in order to regain consciousness.


    Removal of the carburetor was straightforward enough - just unhooking the various vacuum lines and throttle linkage and fuel line. Soon enough the unit was off - after a bit of gentle prying where the old gasket had glued itself to the manifold. I cleaned up the manifold where the carb bolts on, scraping any old gasket material off and making sure it would seal the new gasket (I hope). I turned my attention to the old gasket still stuck to the carb - more prying and it came off. Just as I thought - the gasket was petrified. Understandable, given the harsh environment it has spent the last few years.


    I fetched the gasket that Dave Tbow sent along with the carburetor he rebuilt. Originally I used a gasket I had bought from Studebaker International - at the time I got the carb back from Dave T. I saw he had included a gasket. So I had two - flip a coin to decide which one to use and save the other. Came in handy today - I hope the new one works well. 


    Re-assembly was straightforward as well, just put it all back together and make sure all all hoses and linkage are connected. I wanted to torque the mounting nuts but found that I did not have a 3/8" extension for the socket anywhere in all my tools. Left them all at home. Oh well, I'll torque them next time before I take her out.


    I still have a few things I would like to do before taking her out on the road. I have to work on the positive battery cable connection to the starter relay - when cranking the motor for a bit til she fires I'm still getting a hot positive battery cable, indicating resistance. I'm going to try a good cleaning and and a new cable before I start replacing parts. That fun is coming up....


    Hopefully I can get the old girl straightened away for Cars and Coffee next week that John Feser (unimogjohn) invited me to. Speaking of - where is John? Missing his daily reports from the new car shed on his farm.












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