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Posts posted by SeventhSon

  1. Wow, it was April when I last posted anything. That's because there hasn't been much of anything to post - I just drive the Avanti anymore because of no time or money to do anything else. She still runs great and she's still Mightyfast. Lot of quickness coming up through the gears - like she wants to jump out from under me. A great car Studebaker built.


    I did get to a local car show for Labor Day, held a couple of blocks from my place of employment. I parked at the office and walked on up. A lot of great cars there and a good crowd too. The most models there? Corvettes of all years. Second most model there? Mustangs of all years. And a good variety of other cars too. No Studebakers though - I didn't take the Avanti as I wanted to stroll the show and take pics. There was even a lead sled there, a 4 door Caddie. Very cool. And a good amount of rat rods, which I have become smitten with. I really like them and want to build my own some day - a Studebaker of course, with a beefed up 259 V8 motor, BW T-10 transmission, headers etc. And leave the rust and dents where there are. I started to tell my wife about the plans - the look on her face was priceless. Oh well, if I win the lottery maybe that will smooth the way....


    I'm going to try to post some pics - let's see how that goes....











  2. Nice Avanti! I wonder if it was originally painted white. If so it was a "Creamsicle" Avanti, not that there is any marketing connection to the ice cream treat, just a nickname that the white Avantis with orange interior picked up over the years. I've even been told by Dave Kinney, Avanti aficionado extraordinaire, that there exists a handful of black Avantis with the orange interior, one of which he owns. They call them Halloween Avantis - go figure. Do you have a build sheet on this one? It would be interesting to know if it was white from the factory - just curious. 

  3. John - my Avanti is holding pretty steady the last couple of times I took it out. I was having a bit of a problem in June where it was stalling out on me at low idle - wouldn't hold an even idle whilst sitting at a light, etc. I would have to keep my foot on the brake and accelerator a little to keep the RPM's up. I started mulling over in my mind how much it was going to cost to take it to the Avanti mechanics who did a stellar job on it when it was brought back to life four years (!) ago. But happy news - the problem seems to have corrected itself (I love problems like that). The old girl is back running like the champ she is!


    I drove it 75 miles last time I took a drive a couple of weeks ago. It's been just too darn hot most of this month though. Makes for a miserable drive. The pic below is right after I took her by the house and washed all the storage dust off - she draws a lot of looks and thumbs up.


  4. Looks like it's been several months since any posting here. No surprise, as work has worn me down to a mid functioning adult. By the time I get home in the evening I am pretty well done, then when the blessed weekend comes I just want to lay around like a lazy old dog. I had a chance to go to unimogjohn's Cars and Coffee show way out in the country but it was not to be - just lacking the get up and go to get up and go. Sorry John - maybe on a warm sunny day I'll make it.


    I did get up and go to the storage unit this morning, bound to take care of an issue that arose last time I drove the old Avanti, two weeks ago. I stopped by the storage unit on a weekday no less, after having been given the go ahead to play hooky by the boss. So, happily I checked all the fluids and fired the beast up (sure am glad I fixed that battery cable, it cranks so much better!) and headed out on the highway. Before long I stopped at a gas station to get gas. When I opened the gas cap I noticed a lot of pressure released from the tank. It has never done that before. Hmmm, I thought, could the vent be blocked? Is that why the wasps were flying around when I cranked it up? 


    I took her back out on the road and she seemed a bit sluggish, then at one point I came around a corner at an intersection and started up a pretty steep hill. She started losing power - oh, I don't like that. She recovered soon enough and we continued on, but I had already decided to put her to bed. Back to the storage unit we went. I backed her in and shut it down. I got out and I could hear the gas tank "thunking', like it was sucking in on itself. I removed the gas cap - more pressure released. OK, the vent has to be blocked I figured, and I decided I would take care of it next visit. I put the gas cap on loosely so as to allow venting while she sat.


    Today I returned to fix the problem - I jacked up the rear passenger side and was happy to see the vent hose right there where I could get to it, Shining a light into the tube I saw what I had suspected, a "mud dauber" had plugged up the hose with mud. That was soon removed with an old piece of wire followed by a screwdriver. With the vent clear I fired her up and hit the road. After driving around a bit I stopped and removed the gas cap - no pressure. Hooray! An easy fix and we were back in business - she ran like the champ she is too! I'll have to keep an eye on that vent hose, maybe even put a screen over it or something.


    I did get a "vented" gas cap for 6 bucks, but it turns out the edge of it is too slick to grip and get the cap tight on the filler tube. Oh well, no biggie - maybe I'll add some special grip stuff around the edge. As soon as I get more get up and go.





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