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Posts posted by mrcvs

  1. 4 hours ago, Steve_Mack_CT said:

    I do agree woth Matt as well.  I have pals looking at $5k cars and $100k + cars that email, sometimes another perspective reinforces the buyers thought process, etc.


    Ran ad ad for mrcvs on fb, despite clearly giving his contact info and stating where the car is, I am only posting for a pal, I have been PMed multiple times.  One guy even admitted he would like more pics to drool over even though the car is too far away for him!  So, a reminder that it is a lot of work to sell any car.  The very reason a lot of knowledgeable folks prefer to consign..

    Yes and THANK YOU!  I did get one inquiry, a fellow left a message and I called him back and left a message.

    • Like 1
  2. Do I dare admit that one of the reasons I fell in love with my Model A was because of the green colour scheme?  I thought it was a sharp looking car!


    Obviously, my tastes are not mainstream.


    I'm at about 75 to 90 days on the market now.

  3. Not sure why everyone is down on 4 door cars.  Every 2 door car I've dealt with is nothing short of a pain.  My wife had a 2 door Jeep Wrangled and that was sold and she got a 4 door one which is far better.  I'd pay less for a 2 door car any day due to the inconvenience.  Not sure who got the notion that an identical make and model car, but with 4 doors, is inherently less appealing than a 2 door model.

  4. 6 hours ago, maok said:


    Your ad needs re-writing, too many negatives. And best to take all your pics in the 'shade' so the multi-tone colour scheme is not so obvious.


    Remember, only sell the positives.



    Okay I improved it.  So it's okay to leave out it needs repainting?  With your blessing, I will remove that as well.


    I had NO IDEA how to sell anything, let alone a car, so I am learning.


    I was of the mindset at least a few others would like this car, so someone would pony up fast before someone else does!

  5. 7 hours ago, mike6024 said:

    I think it'd probably sell for $9,000 if located in California. You are in a bad location. And I don't believe the 4 doors are hurting the value.

    I'm starting to think that.  I thought lots of folks in Pennsylvania loved antique cars, but apparently not!

  6. 19 minutes ago, trimacar said:

    The longer you wait, the fewer meets and shows and tours you attend, so it costs you time and friends.


    Money is nothing.  Time is everything.


    So, if you keep waiting and waiting for the market to crash, then you can lay on your deathbed and say "gee, sure wish I'd  done this or that", or, you can do this or that NOW and have the memories.


    Nothing else matters in the end, or at the end.

    I certainly agree with that.  But, I have no where to keep it.


    It's going to be the better part of a decade, if not more, before I sort out the real estate issue.  It might have to wait until I retire.

  7. Where do you see this going?


    I mean, I think the best of the best stuff will go ever higher.  But that's never been the size of my wallet.


    So, for the more average stuff.


    This came up in another thread.  It has been more and more apparent that the old car hobby is more a real estate game than anything.  Having lost my storage space, I have an old car for sale, although not brass era.  I've been looking for the right property for this the better part of a decade, and have, so far, come up empty handed.  I am where I live because of my job and any properties with land and outbuildings are prohibitively expensive.


    So, I stated that my NEXT old car will be brass, but this is years or decades away.  And this might not be a bad thing as less interest in brass cars over time means the longer I wait, the less it will cost me (or I can get more for the same money).


    What do you think?

  8. 11 minutes ago, 1937hd45 said:

    I disagree, the 1939 Buick sale took a bit longer we need to brake that page count. Did anyone else note the mismatched spare tire? 



    Yes, if this was a high dollar car that would be an issue.


    For $8750, what do you expect?

  9. 12 hours ago, victorialynn2 said:

    I followed the advice these guys are giving you and sold 8 classic autos, most on eBay with one listing. It’s all about the prep and presentation. We live in a digital world, photos, and lots of them, help sell a car. 

    How did payment work out for you?  Did all 8 once a bid was received get paid for in full or did buyers back out perhaps multiple times?


    I suppose if I had to sell at a bit of a loss, it's not the end of the world.  It's just that I hate losing money with flat wages and bonuses nonexistent, etc.  I guess one these days takes a loss on cars, but not nearly as bad had this been a later model daily driver for 5 years.


    At the time I bought this in 2014 for $8250, I thought it was a good price.  Then I had to pay for the engine overhaul, and storage at $50 a month which was supposed to be temporary, and never ended up being so.


    One who has their own storage space has a tremendous leg up.

  10. Facebook scares me.  I had NEVER been on Facebook before, created an account, and it knew more about me than it should.  As in, connect with these people, folks I had casual contact with or hadn't seen since high school.  Not just scary but VERY scary!

  11. 2 minutes ago, mike6024 said:

    Only your first picture is good. The others have shadow and glare on them. You might consider taking photos very early in the morning when the sun is low in the sky. And you literally have to move the car to take pictures of both sides, because if for one picture the sun is at your back, and on the vehicle, then the other side will have the shadow and your picture will be taken facing the sun. So turn it around.


    These are my suggestion if you want to get a set of really good pictures.


    The ones you have are OK, but not great. I don't like the rear picture, way too much shadow.



    Okay, THANK YOU!  Will do!


    I simply don't know how best to present a car for sale.

  12. If my wife enjoyed this car, it wouldn't be for sale.  It wouldn't be a problem, a joy to drive and have fun with.


    Part of the frustration, and the complaining, isn't just this car.  It's the what a pita to sell this or anything!  I bought a house in 2009, after the housing boom, and had a frozen pipe.  Insurance paid for a new kitchen, new floors, granite countertops, and yet real estate has gone nowhere in 10 yrs.  Also the Allentown suburbs, but a bit further out, never really recovered.  I might make 3k on this place, before any fees.  Didn't used to be like this.  Own a house 10 yrs and make 50 or 100%.


    When a baby boomer says they have no money after unprecedented growth in real estate and the stock market, plus a booming job market with real wage growth, I really have no sympathy for them.

  13. 9 minutes ago, maok said:


    Please don't take this as being critical of you, just a simple fact. It seems to be that you are not much of a 'sales person'.  Most people aren't aware, there is skill involved in selling anything. When selling, you can only sell the positives, negatives cannot be sold.

    I am a terrible sales person.  Anytime I try and sell anything, it's generally a b***h!!!!!


    My ad points out the positives.  Not sure really what else I can do!


    ANYONE out there want to post this on Facebook on my behalf?


    When I bought this car the criteria was local and cheap.  I thought, at the time, any sound Model A that runs that could be had for under 9 or 10 k would be a deal.

  14. 8 minutes ago, 1937hd45 said:

    My Grandson is seven years old and if he cashed out of his automobile collectables he bought with his own money in the past two years PERCENTAGE WIZE he would make far more that your Foudor adventure. "Young people" are not stupid. Bob 

    At $9000, with what I've got into this I'm in the hole a bit already.

  15. 22 minutes ago, Marty Roth said:

    My father's sister dealt, throught her life, with severe spinal issues, but remained quite optomistic and happy.


    When I once complained about something certainly minor and now foorgotten, I recall only her poetic response:


    "As you travel throughout life, my son,

         Let this be your Goal:

                To Look Upon the Doughnut,

                       And NOT Upon the Hole".


    I've tried to recall, and to use this simple poetic quote,

    and to look at the bright side, - appreciate what I have - not what I don't have.


    I may have had a more pleasant life as a result of her simple, yet important advice.




    That's easy enough to say, but when you keep lowering the price and a grand total of zero individuals have come to look at the car, the wife starts to question if you even have it for sale at all?

  16. 1 hour ago, Laughing Coyote said:

    Here is a nice one for 12K. I'm sure you could work a little off the price.


    Not to sound like a jerk, but from what I see, me personally I would maybe pay around $7000 tops if I was in the market for yours.  I've looked at cars advertised on CL and said '"Oh that one looks pretty nice"  Then when you go actually look at it, it needs all kinds of things repaired and doesn't look as nice in the picture.  I'm sure we've all been there.



    But mine has a rebuilt engine, good compression, new seals, new battery, new coil, new muffler, a few other new things.


    This is why purchasers are unrealistic.  They expect a LOT but want to pay nothing for it.


    I was told on this very forum that 10 to 11k was fair, only a few months ago.  And I had at least some interest.


    In the 9k range I can't give it away.


    I wouldn't encourage younger generations to get into this hobby.  Sorry...

  17. Just now, 1937hd45 said:

    Anyone with the asking price of this FORDOR can save up and within a month or two and afford a ROADSTER, maybe even one with clean whitewalls. 

    Not me!  It took me a long time to save up for this car, and would have taken that much longer to afford a roadster.  Wage growth is sorely lacking in this country.

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