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-39 convertible 66c

Guest Kejsaren

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Guest 39convertible


i need help with my -39 convertible 66c

i found it for 3 months ago and i have begin to take it apart and learn about the car

it´s a rolling basket and it missing alot of parts.

today i took it inside and planing to separate the body from the frame.

a big problem is that i cant find any plate or stamped numbers.

i dont even know if i have the correct convertible frame.

i really could need a spare body to look at and meassure on.

so if anybody know someone who have a body i´m interested to buy.

i like to get in touch with others who have rebuilt or own a similar modell

My email is portman@telia.com

thanks Janne

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Guest DaveCorbin

Dear Janne:

If you look at the engine low on the right side, you will find a number stamped on a small ledge. It probably will have a first digit of 6 and then 7 more numbers. On the top of the right frame rail, just behind the tray fot the battery, there will be a small plate. The first digit should be a 1. followed by a 7 digit number and smaller than the number on the engine. If you post these numbers, I can probably tell you exatly when the car was built.

Regards, Dave Corbin

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Guest 39convertible

Hi folks

i have added a few Photos on the car

i´m planing to add moore photos on the way trough the restoration.

feel free to give me feedback and comments

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Just some general comments:

First, congratulations on getting this car! It is quite a find if it is a model 66C because it would be one of 790 built according to the <span style="text-decoration: underline">Standard catalog of Buicks</span> second edition.

Second, while I applaud your eagerness to dig into the car, maybe a word of caution is in order. Specifically looking at the pictures I see you've already dissasssembled the engine. And while it looks like you've laid out the parts in order of dissassembly, there is a real need here to be careful that you do not lose the location of those parts on reassembly. Of course you probably already know this, but what I mean is the things like the rod caps and main bearing caps should be put back in the engine in the same location they were taken from. Same thing with lifters and essentially everything else.

Come to think of it you may find it much easier to reassemble the car if everything you are taking off is clearly marked. Even those fender signals and tail lights. It would be quite a shame to paint the body and then damage it by trying to install the wrong taillight on the left side, know what I mean?

If you have not cataloged things yet, please stop where you are and do so now. Also I might recommend that whenever possible, you package the parts removed with the hardware that holds it in place as soon as it is taken off the car.

I've read here on this board that if parts are restored when they are removed, then stored in plastic ziplock bags and cataloged, then the reassembly is much easier and not so fristrating. Although I have not had the pleasure of doing a full restoration myself, this does sound like the best method for ensuring completion of the task.

Good luck and please keep us posted. You'll find a lot of help here. Have you joined the BCA yet? You'll find even more available in the monthly magazine in terms of parts and experience with Buicks of this era.


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Guest 39convertible


Thanks for the great comments , i really appreciate all the tip.

i have done a few cars in my life so i´m not "newbi" but i´m not an expert either.

i could need every help i can get.

i´ve found a friend here in sweden and he help me in to this.

he is a very helpfull Buick guy and he own a copuple of late 30:s.

Thanks Janne

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Guest 39convertible

Hi guys

i need your knowleage about the -39 engine mounts

i have a engine plate that is angeled for the mounts but the frame had flat brackets

i think i have the -40:s engine plate the -38:s hade flat engine plate.

if someone know , just let me know


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Janne, you've got some project ahead of you. But most of that stuff looks in good condition. I don't know if you can find an assembly manual for that year car or not, but it's something you might try to find. That litterally shows what part went on in sequence. That may help identify stuff and shorten reassembly time significantly.

Good Luck. Are these pictures taken in your own garage?


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Guest 39convertible

hi JD

i dont have an assembly manual but i dont mind to get one.

the early litterature is often only text and a few pictures.

Yes these pictures are taken in my garage /repair shop

i run my own business in a small village 1,5 hours north Stockholm in Sweden

i repair machines and work with metall constructions.

Thanks Janne

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