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1939 Buick Special with Sunroof Advertised FS

Guest BJM

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Browsing my usual sites tonight and see that Goldenrod Garage has a complete, original non streetrodded 39 Special 2 door sedan with factory sunroof FS, recently added as I hit this site once every other week. $5950. Rusty. How many did they make total in 1939, anyone know? Not a bad looking bodystyle either.

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How about looking under the Projects, Orphans, etc - that's where he put sthe projects as opposed to the nicer cars. Should be there, was last night. Let me know.

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I have been told that approx. 200 '39s' were built with the sunshine turret top, and built only on the Special 2 and 4 door models, and Century 4 door models. I have owned one Special 4 door, which supposedly is now being street rodded, and I currently own the only Century that I have ever heard of, along with a parts car that I bought about a year ago. Of the 200, supposedly about 25 were Centuries, but, I have never seen any proof of any of this. I have been working on my Century lately, just putting the finishing touches to it. Its a dual side mounted car, with streamboards, not running boards. The interior is original, just painted the exterior. I also would like to see the pic's of the 2 door. Paul

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Here is the webiste, once in, click on the Projects, etc. button and look under 30's and it should be there, unless someone has snapped it up already. I think $5950 is too high. They have a 41 Limited Formal sedan (low production number series 90) for sale for $1795, so why does he believe he should get four times that for a Special with a sunroof? Not too sure.


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Guest DaveCorbin

Dear 3Jakes:

The answer to the high price is "rare". You will note 42crazy's response. However, I can add to it slightly. There is in existence a right hand drive 1939 Roadmaster sedan with a factory installed sunroof. I personally got to drive this car about 20 years ago in Great Britain. The car in England was built by McLaughlin in Canada and had Lendrum & Hartman (The English dealers) serial number plates.

Regards, Dave Corbin

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I agree regarding the rarity. But the 41 Limited Formal 6 passenger is as rare (total production not withstanding), it's a Limited with dual carbs, and it's described the same (rusty, needing everything).

The sunroof Special is still just a Special. You can get a 39 Special convertible project for $6,000 he wants. I still like the car, especially because it's a 2 door model and with those rear fenders, it has great late 30's lines, but it's overpriced IMO.

Did everyone get into the website to look at it?

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