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and how would you explain this? Or 4sale requires paint buffing

Guest EDBS0

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Guest F14CRAZY

I think I've seen this one before on the Explorerforum board. I don't see how the truck got up there. It would seem like the ceiling would be torn up. It was like the truck was thrown in, or flew in in an arch. Still don't see how it could be flying in and stop right there though. I'd say it's a Photochop

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Guest CL_Reatta

Someone with way to much money and time on their hands, more then likely real though. Just scanned it using paint shop pro 9, and if it was a photochop then they would have 2 be one hellova designer because the resolution is the same all throughout the picture and the pixels match along the lines, and the light intensity is the same throughout. Although it looks as though the picture has been enhanced, probably for clarity.

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Guest Reatta1

I've seen this picture before. It was attached to an e-mail joke about a woman telling her husband, who was away, that she had dented the garage door and put some scrathes on his car and not to worry, that the truck was only slightly damaged.

Yeah, right!!!! <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

I looked up the text of the e-mail and it follows.

Dear Henry:

Before you return from your out-of-town trip I just want to let you know about the small accident I had with the pick up truck when I turned into the driveway. Fortunately not too bad and I really didn't get hurt, so please don't worry too much about me.

I was coming home from Neiman Marcus, and when I turned into the driveway I accidentally pushed down on the accelerator instead of the brake. The garage door is slightly bent but the pick up fortunately came to a halt when it bumped into your car, just a little bit.

I am really sorry but I know with your kind hearted personality you will forgive me. You know how much I love you and care for you my sweetheart.

I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again.

Your loving wife, Bambi

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I dont think this could be real, if it was the red cars rear end would be smashed, or how else would the truck get on top of it, I too got this pic in an email.

But I have been known to be wrong before, and probably will be wrong in the future.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It's all explained here. </div></div>

<span style="font-style: italic">really!</span>

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