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How to tell people nicely not to touch the car


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In your experience what's the nicest way to tell people not to touch or mess with the car at a show without offending them. Most people are very careful, but then you have that have no common sense. I had one guy with his hands on the rumble seat step, trying to bounce my car up and down. I asked him not to touch the car and then he denied touching the car. His friend then said "You were touching the car". Other examples were a guy was trying to pull the manual turn signals up on the Rolls next to me, another opened the Rolls door to look inside, and then another couple's dog was on my running board whiile they were looking at the Rolls next to them. Of course there were the usual mix of skate boaders, bikes, strollers, scooters and key chains <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />

It's not that I want to obsess over the car, but I would like people to exercise some common sense. I actually let a couple kids sit in the car and get their picture taken. One was so interested in the car, I thought if he had a creeper, he would had been under the car. As it was, he was way under the fenders. That is the fun part of the shows when these young kids show enthusiasm for these cars.

Oh yes, the best of show car for this 600+ cars show was a plastic body 32 Ford with a SBC. I'm wondering if the club members picking the best of show, have any imagination.

But I did have fun at the show, dressed in my 30s period garb of knickers, bowtie, v neck sweater and spectator shoes. I did get asked a lot to get my photo taken with the car. I'll post some when I get a chance. My friend with the 34 Rolls also had a 1903 Holsman buggy. He started it up once an hour and that sure drew a crowd with the noise from a 1 cylinder engine.

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Guest Randy Berger

There is no polite way to deal with inpolite people. Just say "Please - don't touch the car". You've said please and given an order. If they can't understand that, ask them if they heard you by saying, "Pardon me, didn't you hear me?"

If they still persist then your only recourse is:

"Get off the $%^&*() car! NOW!!"

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