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overdrive on 1941 Packard 110


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I have just purchased a 1941 Packard 110 business coupe with overdrive , I don't have a owners manual to tell me how to engage it , I have noticed a pull out knob on the bottom of the dash that goes to the overdrive unit , I am guessing that when the knob is pulled out that the unit is engaged , at what speed does it come in to play ? Thanks for any help .


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It's engaged when the knob is in. There should also be a small red light somewhere on the instrument panel that turns on when it's time for you to let up on the accellerator pedal. By lifting the pedal, it will automatically go into overdrive no matter which gear you are in. It will kick out of overdrive if you mash the pedal down hard all the way (for passing), but experts will agree that this is not extremely good for the system and shouldn't be done too often. If you are in a situation where you're having to kick it out of overdrive often, you shouldn't be in overdrive in the first place.

Once overdrive is engaged, when you let up on the accellerator pedal, you will be freewheeling, so be careful.

Hope this helps.

Oh... and try not to back up while it's in overdrive.

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Guest Randy Berger

Were early overdrives different than later ones? I took one out of a 53 Clipper and replaced the automatic in a 52 hardtop. When it was in overdrive it didn't freewheel when I let up on the gas. There are a lot of hills in western Pa and perhaps I noticed that going down a long hill in overdrive that the engine was still holding the car back although not nearly as much as when locked out. It also automatically locked out overdrive in reverse. There was a rod that went into the overdrive unit when you shifted into reverse that accom[plished that. Perhaps a lot of improvements from the 40's to the 50's.

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I don't know much about postwar cars, but I'd have to believe that the differences you mentioned HAD to be improvements. I'm always forgetting to take mine out of o.d. when I back up. I haven't ruined it yet, but it's probably only a matter of time. And I don't care for the freewheeling bit, either, although I think it was supposed to help give you better gas mileage.

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