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Buffalo WIre wheel parts needed


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Hello, I have a project that needs to be moved around but I need to get it up on wheels to do that. Would you please look in your junk piles to see if you have any loose and extra Buffalo Wire wheel hubs and caps that fit my size wheel. I think they are #4 as the hub opening is 4". I also could use a pair of parts wheels, ok if the rims are rusted out. A second thought, has anyone recast these hubs? Please respond if you can help me out.

Regards, Alan


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This may not help much but several vendors at the Harry A. Miller race car meet at Milwaukee, WI last July had knock off wire wheels for sale similar to what you are looking for. Here is a photo I took of one I believe it was forsale by a guy named Boyce from Melrose Park, IL. A guy from Colorado had a pickup bed full of them! I didn't get his name.. sorry. I have other photos of the stuff at Harry Miller if they would help. Perhaps the registrar could give you names of vendors. Contact Lenore at Miller Club HQ. Stude8


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for your taking the time to reply to my need of Buffalo wire wheel parts. The pictures you posted are certainly interesting but I think they are for a Rudge style spline drive wire wheel. The Buffalo I need are Dental drive. Keep looking.....

Thanks from the West,


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