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If you're interested in an article on Junior Memberships, check out our website at: <A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin/beam_excerpts.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.aaca.org/wisconsin/beam_excerpts.htm</A> <P>One of our members contributed the article, which is featured in both the February issue of "THE BEAM" and on our website.<P>Vern K.<BR>Editor<BR>Wis Region

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Great article. Now if we could just get<BR>every editor to do an article about youth we<BR>would be on our way to growing President Doug Drake's program on "We'll Be<BR>There" for the Youth in AACA. I'm going to<BR>share this with our newletter editor. Unfortunately, our Club's average age is<BR>65-plus. Maybe someone could write about their grandchildren.

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