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Freeze Plug Leak - Quick Fix???


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I was changing my drivers header gasket when I saw a very small puddle of anti-freeze on the ground today, and it looks like it is the large freeze plug directly behind the motor mount. It looks very minor....I attached a picture.

My question is, can I fix this quick? I am leaving for an 800 mile trip on Tuesday morning!!

I also posted this on v8buick..

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You should be able to punch it out and replace it in abut 2 minutes. It will take longer to drain and refil you cooling system than to replace the plug. However if it were my engine I would replace all the plugs and clean out the water jacket while I was at it. That would probably add a half day to the job.

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Guest my3buicks

I don't know when you are leaving so replacing may not be an option - I had one do that one time and I dried it off well(don't scrape at it), hit it with a torch flame to warm it up a little to make it really dry and applied liquid solder( Buy it at an auto parts)over it. I then put a good grade stop leak in until I could get it repaired. This was on the 69 Electra, and it took me to Flint and back the rest of the summer and to Hershey in the fall before I got to fixing it - at that point it showed no signs of leaking.

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