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87 lesabre wont start

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I have been trying and trying to get this car running, I hope someone here can help. This all started one morning when the car would crank but not start. The previous day there was nothing wrong. After cranking it for a bit later in the day it started up and ran fine. Drove it around a while, came home shut the car off, hasent started since. The computer shows no codes. From what I was reading online, I replaced the crank sensor, no result. I swapped the ECM, coils and ICM from a parts car and still nothing, there is gas but no spark. I also replaced the temp sensor. There is a new MAF on there from about a year ago. Anyone have any ideas?

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Pull off the coil packs, and clean the terminals. Then pull off the spark control module and clean between the module and the bracket. This worked for me on a 3800 91 car. I know yours is a bit different but I'm thinking no ground. Otherwise timing chain and tensioner.


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  • 4 months later...

I also get that problem it started up and ran fine. came home shut the car off, hasn't started since. I sent it to shop so they changed the timing chain and it started but then it hasn't started again. Four days before I changed the spark module and it was ok but 4 days later happed this. they told me that was the spark module again, I bougth it again and this [@!#!$] doesnt work, could be the crank sensor or what? somebody can help me

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Take a look at this post. http://forums.aaca.org/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=227684&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=2&vc=1

It shows what I was talking about. Look at the very end of the list on page two, and see the picture I attached. Try this first and also clean the ground terminal where it attaches to the motor.

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