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Don't worry about breaking down in IOWA!!!


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It's time to say something GREAT about the wonderful people of IOWA (who are the brunt of many Iowa jokes)....<P>I just took my 1953 Roadmaster from K.C. to St. Paul for a family reunion.<BR>My gas guage on the 1953 isn't accurate (as I found out the hard way) and I took that I-35 North exit in Des Moines at a good clip and the gas shifted in the tank. Needless to say I was low (1/4 of a tank) and my next exit (Ankeny) was my gas stop. Well, I sucked air and the engine stopped. shocked.gif" border="0 <BR>In less than 15 minutes I had FOUR cars stop to help and an Iowa Highway Patrolman (who said he would keep coming back around to check on us). I got the ol' gal started again and learned not to let the tank get below a 1/4 of a tank. New Rule: When the gas guage points at the 'G' in the word 'GAS' that means "Get-Gas Dummy".<P> grin.gif" border="0--THANKS KIND PEOPLE OF IOWA!!!!-- grin.gif" border="0 <BR>I can't say enough about the wonderful people of IOWA who take the time to stop and help stranded motorists in today's fast-paced world.<P>(One side-note to validate this point even further.... We just stopped to take some photos on the side of a rural road and two teens stopped and asked if we needed help. I was grinning from ear to ear and thanked them for stopping to check on us.) <BR> tongue.gif" border="0 <P>People put your AAA cards away in IOWA!!!

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Amen to that Tom ! I live in Rockford, Illinois and My Parents live in Murray, Iowa (10 miles west of Osceola on 34). I have made over a Hundred trips over the years(with old & new Buicks) to Murray and EVERYTIME I pulled over to rest/check a tire/change drivers/etc. Iowa Police and civilians ALWAYS stop to see if we are ok.<BR>Iowa Hawkeyes Are The Greatest People Around !<P>Greg....NEW1966

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Tom, I forgot to mention my friend Paul Fortune in Ft. Dodge. He hunted me down at a<BR>BOP Swap Meet in Chicago after I left my wallet at his booth. $600 would have been lost had it not been for him. Not only that, the next year at the same BOP Swap Meet, he offered to SHARE a space with me at the GS Nationals with him for free. He is a Great Buick Guy & NOS Dealer. You don't seem to find people like him around anymore. Most are Not very neighborly. Thank You Paul in Ft. Dodge (aka tachman2).<P>Greg...NEW1966

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Tom, it also says a lot about you that you are willing to take the time to notice someone's kindness and post it here. In a world where many people are cynical about the motives of strangers, it's refreshing that you are willing to "catch someone doing the right thing".<P>Thanks for sharing your story with us.

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As a native Iowan for over 30 years I can say that I am proud to say that it is my home state. I have lived in several states around this country and there are considerate people everywhere, but it seems that Iowa has more than their share of them.

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As a true blue, born, and raised Iowan<BR>living in Maine now for 20 years its great to see people praise Iowans. I miss the<BR>old home town of Gowrie, Iowa but it will<BR>always be home to me. Used to be an an "open door" policy in Iowa if you stopped to visit<BR>your relatives and they weren't home you left a note on the kitchen table saying<BR>"sorry we missed you, come see us". We don't<BR>do that up here in Maine except in rare<BR>occasion. Loren

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