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Car Hauling in Indiana

Guest Indiana_Truck

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Guest Indiana_Truck

I know this is short notice but I am headed down south of Indianapolis Indiana this Sat. with a truck and will be returning to northern Indiana empty and could bring something back with me if anyone needs something brought up from that area. I have a way to load anything with or even without wheels so let me know and I will cut you a real good deal just to help me out on gas.



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To anyone interested:

Bob is a long time member of this Forum and the AACA.

Your vehicle, or, parts would be cared for with kid gloves. I can attest to this as he is one of the most dedicated "old car and truck" preservationists, of whom, I have ever communicated, or, known.

You can private e-mail me if so desired: PJHeizmann@aol.com

for further reference.


Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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