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1918 Chalmers

Cyndi Edwards

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We are getting ready to restore a 1918 Chalmers touring and my director would like to redo the car in its original color. Would anybody happen to have any literature that would say what the original car color would be. I have a brochure for 1917 with several colors listed, but I need to make sure these color options were also available in 1918. Thanks in advance. Cyndi

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Hi, Cyndi...

My recommendation would be to go to the Main Page, scroll down to AACA Library & Research Center. Within the L&RC area, you will find a request for such detailed information. The AACA has a full time staff awaiting to research for you.

The collection of material is enormous...


Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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