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website updated?


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Chick...Welcome to the AACA Forum.

Due to the nature of your request, I thought it appropriate that we know a little about you first. Thank you for filling in some blanks in your profile.

Now, for better response, could you tell us why you are asking this, what school, where, what's your goal here concerning the website's history?


Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Hi, Charlie...

The subject titles you see when scrolling down the main page were created in the format you see today in October 2001.

I really do not know the exact date this website was created, so, my best guess is 1998-99. May be wrong...

Now, for any other questions, please contact our Webmechanic, Peter Gariepy, at webmechanic@aaca.org, or, our Internet Committee Chairman, Terry Bond at terry007@infionline.net.

The reason being this is as far as I will submit information without the expressed permission of the powers that be.

Regards, Peter J.

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