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Some things fall through the cracks


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Was just curious about some things that were discussed some time ago that have not been touched on lately, first is the matter of Skip's waterpumps, did anyone actually try a pair of them?? And what was the outcome? Also a while back there were flurries of discussion about LZ carburetors and distributors, so when opportunities presented themselves, I took carefully hoarded funds destined for the upholstery in my forlorn '41 club coupe, and invested in a quantity of 06H carbs and several LZ distributors, had them thoroughly rebuilt and tested, and put them up for sale, my coupe is now coming up to upholstery time, and guess what, lots of distributors and carburetors, but no funds for upholstery. If anyone has ever been stuck out on a tour, a long way from home, they know how welcome a quality carb and Jake Fleming Distributor and coil are to have in that emergency box in the trunk, Rolf

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Hi Rolf. I just installed my new water pumps from Skip. I haven't had a chance to drive it yet as I am having some severe back problems and am trying to finish the restoration on my sisters Nash Metropolitan. I did run it for an hour in the garage with no fan in front of it and the temp stayed at 160 with the 155 degree thermostats still in and 90 degrees in the garage. definitely noticed a grater increase in the water circulation looking down the radiator neck, looked like my charger with the high flow water pump, they really whip the water through the engine. I cant wait to drive it and see the difference.

Its amazing how much you can get done on pain pills and how bad you feel when they wear off.

I talked to Mallory people at hot august nights and they are looking into doing a magnetic pickup conversion for the Lincoln, the bad part is you will have to change your car to 12 volt. still haven't heard back from them but its only been 2 weeks.

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You know Jack, I often wonder about the newer is better syndrome, I will bet a properly set up Jake conventional distributor and coil will perform as well as a upgraded Mallory or what ever electronic job, far better than a V-12 will ever need, they are good up to 13K Rpm's, also the Flathead guys that are using the electronic Mallorys are bad rapping them big time, so be careful. Your experience with the Skip's pumps sounds hopeful, that is pretty much what I heard about them before too, and the flathead guys swear by them. As far as 12 volts, what ever happened to the "up-verters" like I used in the 1980's to run a modern stereo and cassette player in my 6 volt '41 Ford pickup?? I haven't heard anything about them for years, and it really worked slick for that application, my Doc just put me on something called pregazone, supposed to be a real "upper", all it does so far is give me a stomach ache and gets me dizzy, as the guy said, "Don't get old, you won't like it", see ya, Rolf

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Hi Rolf. I finally drove the Lincoln with the new water pumps from Skip. The car ran perfect and stayed at 155 - 165 during rush hour traffic at 80 degrees and 1 hour of driving time, and my carb didnt start perking the fuel and shutting off for a change. I think its finally time to put the 2x2 intake back on and the stock fuel pump. I think I will try it when the temp gets up in the 100s again before I change anything.

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