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Concerning Clubs


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I know I already got into this topic once but I like to get into again. As I found out...There is no chapters in ky. Who would I have to go to inorder to Create the chapter and know what all is involve in it.

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Contact the Regional Coordinator for the BCA Region that you're in, if there is one. Otherwise, the Chapter Coordinator would be the next choice. These people should be listed in the monthly magazine "The Bugle" and elsewhere on this website.<P>The Regional Coordinator can help you get things initially set up and rolling, then it will be up to you. If there is sufficient and consistent interest in a chapter in that area, then the chapter can formally apply for a charter from the BCA. <P>One key item will be the number of potentially interested BCA members residing in your area AND how much they desire a chapter to be in existence. Many new chapters form and then are de-chartered a year or so later. It might sound easy enough to find twelve charter members, but when all of the work of the chapter falls on the shoulders of a few with little support and participation from the other members, things typically don't last long after the new wears off.<P>Having and running a BCA chapter is a little different than everyone getting together for a weekly cruise event at the local drive-in. There will need to be a slate of officers (including a Treasurer) plus a good newsletter person and an activities person to find meeting places and things of interest for the members to do. <P>For starters, you might find the closest chapter to you and attend their meetings and also become a member there. This will "get your feet wet" plus give you a feel for what's going on. Plus you can attend the national meet this year too-where you can probably discuss the possibilities of what you propose to do with the necessary people. Networking can be very important!<P>I wish you the best of luck, but be advised that you can't do it all yourself at any age.<P>NTX5467

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thank you very much. You have helped me out in many ways. Maybe I will join a chapter near ky to get my feet wet then try to form one up if I still wait to.<BR>again thanks

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