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does anyone have a picture of a dissembled or at least with the lense removed of the taillight assembly? i am looking into doing a few small projects and one is swapping or changing to LED clusters, they just look neater. anyway, i found someone who will make setups but sending him a pic should make things a little easier

thanks in advance

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this will not be an easy job. there are four parts to the tail light assembly: the outer lens, the baffle, the red lens, and the back structure. the whole thing is held together with neoprene glue between each assembly. the glue is quite strong, and another disadvantage at this point is the fact that it is old, and not very flexible. there is always a good chance the outer lens or other assembly could break when you are trying to seperate the sections.

when the sections are disassembled, it is extremely difficult to reassemble it without having moisture and leakage problems, especially in a humid, tropical climate like Florida.

if you were going to do LEDs, would it be best to start with removing the bulbs, and replacing them with the LEDs? this way, there would be no reason to have to disassemble the tail light assembly at all.


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