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Bless my Reatta, it is a pleasure to drive, but the intermittents can be obnoxious.

Occasionally, it will refuse to crank, whether hot or not, but usually will

finally 'give in' if allowed to stand for a half to one hour.

The other day, I noticed the cruise control did not work, nor did the speedometer, but the tach was happily grinding away. The next day when I started it, all systems were fine again.

Maybe it is like me...tired and cranky.

The point of this all is that of all the systems on this little gem, the electrics seem to be the least dependable. For those of us who would like to

restore and keep our cars, I guess we will either have to become auto electric

experts, or find someone who can go through the entire electrical system and

do major surgery.

Know anybody like the latter?

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Sounds like you have some odd problems and I am guessing some of them are not related to each other, but you could maybe have a bad BCM ( body computer module ) or a bad CPS ( central power supply ) or maybe just dirty connections on one of those items. Generally the Reattas had pretty good reliable electronic systems. I have several Reatta parts cars and can maybe help with any parts you might need. I can be reached at jfinn@cpinternet.com

On your not cranking problem, If your car is a '90-91 I have had a couple of instances where the chip on the key was not making contact and the "pass key system" did not recognize the chip ( its actually just a resistor ). When this happens the system automatically shuts down for about 5 minutes because it suspects someone is trying to bypass the system or steal the car. After 5 minutes it will reset istself and you can try and start the car again. If you do have a '90 or newer try a different key in the ignition.

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Guest Greg Ross

I'm merrily going around with 277,000 miles showing and have very, very few electrical problems. I suspect it can be more of a problem with episodes of the car not being used that creates many of these complaints.

Something that you can do yourself is to systematically disconnect , clean (with electrical Contact Cleaner) and reconnect wiring harness connectors. I've never done a count but there are literally hundreds of them in the Reatta, you'd have to gain some vehicle specific experience to start tearing the Dash apart to get at ECM, BCM modules etc. but under the hood around the engine compartment there are at least a dozen plus relays etc. that can do with an exercising (not exorcizing now) (well, at least not yet!) tongue.gif

EDIT-forgot to mention that if Cruise Control doesn't work it can be as simple as pulling back/ up on the Brake Pedal. If this does restore Cruise function then it's adviseable to remove the cover from the drivers' side foot well and push in on the two switches on the brake pedal. These two switches are just friction fit and would periodically need adjustment. Push in/ forward on the two switches and then pull back gentally on the brake pedal. One switch is for Brake Lights and the other with hoses connected as well as wiring is the Cruise Disable Switch.

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Guest wally888

The C C is finiky. Tiny wires break, corrode, etc. Reason, each time you press the end buttom the wires bend at solder joint inside switch. Had one 2 broken wires=junk. Another had 1 broken wire (appeared not to work but) wouldn't engage/reset unless you pushed Resume.

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