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Perfect Timing

Guest Dans 77 Limited

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Guest Dans 77 Limited

Ive been out in this miserable winter all season long , between driving the salt truck and feeding the hungry (Pizza delivery). Ive been out day & night . Now finally , it happens , I get up this morning to find this strange fiery disc in the sky that is shining down on and warming everything .... I believe its called sunlight , but Im not sure. So I go to hop out of bed to see if its the end of the world , and then at that moment I knew that whatever it was in the sky it must be something good . I HAVE A ROTTEN COLD , SICK AS A DOG cant do a thing . Can only sit by the door wrapped in a blanket watching others enjoy the mild temps & sunlight. Every once in a while I look out the back door and stare at the garage where my Dart & my Electra both sit patiently waiting for my attention. If I sit at the front door I can take in the lovely view of a pickup truck and 2 minivans encrusted in salt , waiting for me to remove it . Wheres the cat , I need to kick something .........


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Guest my3buicks

Sorry to hear your down Dan. We took a ride over to New Stanton today to look at a 65 Wildcat Conv for a fellow from Australia and seeing all the Classic Cars at the shop where it was at and driving it really gave me Spring Fever. We also saw several antique, classic and streetrods on the way down and home(people out giving them a February run). My son kept trying to talk me into taking the 69 out but I said "no" not taking it out, to much salt dust and wet spots(aka wet salty spots) on the road still around. Sunday is to be nicer so back the 77 out of the garage into the sun light, let it warm up really nice, and go out and take a nap in the nice warm comfortable interior of your BUICK. smile.gif That should make you feel much better.

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Guest Skyking

Cheer-up Dan, it won't be long...It's been the same with me, a looong cold winter. Today was a nice day in N.E. Tomorrow, even better! Think I'll take the Skylark out for a ride...(top up) smile.gif

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Dan, don't feel like you have a corner on the market for feeling flaky! I scheduled a vacation day for last Thursday and ended up laying around the house trying to get over my semi-annual sinus issues. Seems that nothing really helps (at least what I can get as commercial remedies) or helps soon enough.

Basic things that seem to work for me: extended hot soaks in the bath tub (with a little suntan oil sprinkled in so you don't "prune" so much) will get the body temp up some and help cook the germs, if you sweat, all the much better, so just laying back and listening to the radio as you soak is some good relaxation therapy anyway. After an hour or so, you'll probably feel better too. If you're not taking a quality multi-vitamin (Centrum doesn't seem to work as well for me as some others do, like MegaMen from GNC or TheraGram-M), getting some might be a consideration.

After the long soak and your body heat is still up, dress warmly and head to the store in your daily vehicle. If you don't have some spray disinfectant, get some in whatever fragrance you desire. Getting some soft drinks or real fruit juice might be good too.

When you get back and rest, if you need to, or even take another hot/warm soak, then "fumigate" the house with the disinfectant spray and leave for a while. Go seek out a nice steak dinner, for example, and drive around for a good while too, if it's still daylight. If you need to, make sure you have some tissue and your meds if you will be gone that long.

Key thing is to get out of the house and see what's going on. Let the disinfectant spray do its deal as the fresh air you'll hopefully be breathing when you're away will certainly help and you don't need that "old air" when you get back home. A change of pace, some fresh air, a nice meal, and the vitamin supplements can be just what you need to get better quicker--even if the sun's not shining. Then plan your "playing cars" activities and the house-related items so you'll have plenty of time to play cars when the weather gets better.

Hope you get better!


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Guest Dans 77 Limited

Thanks for the advice guys. NTX Ill have to settle for a shower , the bath tub is in the bathroom I havent finished remodeling yet, and as far as the daily goes , entirely too boring LOL how much fun can you actually have with an 89 Caravan grin.gif. Howvere Keiths idea just may have to happen tommorow but I wont drive the Buick , I know how much salt was put on these roads last winter shocked.gifBut I do think pulling the Buick into the sun will make me feel better , the Buick always seems to have that effect on me


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