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51 Patrician chop job revisited

Guest AlK

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Well guys what goes around comes around. The guy who actually did the chop job on my 51 Patrician has finally seen the light and offered me all of the parts that were left over from that ##^#%$%*^(**^%^Y^ operation. If all goes well I should get back the s8/327 engine, ultramatic trans, 5 tires and wheels, 1 set cloisonne wheel covers, a rear end, all of the brake parts, and the steering column. If anyone might be interested in these email me at lordladymopak@webtv.net

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THere can be nothing worse than to sell a beloved collector car to someone and have it abused.

While I agree that once bought, it is that persons property, I would like to think they would be up front in the beginning to tell the seller what they will do with it. Assuming it isn't a hulk (and even if it were) that would give the seller the right of first refusal. Thank GOD the last owner of my '47 Cadillac did just that. Before I contacted him, he had been talking with a guy in California who wanted to chop and channel the car. To his credit, the owner turned down a healthy price to accept a lesser one from me because I wanted to keep the car original and use it as an original Cadillac. His choice but I applaud both his discretion and the buyers candor.

Of course....as always...this is just my opinion. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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The link is correct. I got the first e-mail and responded to it and got no reply. Have not gotten a second e-mail. I just tried to call you but the line was busy. Call me I am in the PAC directory

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