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rear-end clunks


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'nother problem I've seen addressed in these pages, the phantom rear end noise. I've got it in spades and would like to cure it but no one seems to be able to diagnose it. My gas station guy said it was retainer springs on the rear brakes even though it sounds like a tin-can full of keys and the spring rattle is....at this point...a faint tinkling that would be music to my ears.

Does anyone know the source of this clanking around? It seems to be most prominent on the driver's side but that may be because that's where I sit when I hear it. I do not notice it at highway speeds or really anything over about 35 mph which makes me think it's a wheel problem rather than whatever is between the rear wheels (springs, mounts, etc). I can find no loose anything under there that might cause the clanking but it has to be something.

Thanks for all you help.

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FBN --

Thanks for your response. I usually search for "all posts" and then go down if the response is huge. I couldn't come up with a good descriptive term for the condition and didn't run a search at all -- just my recollection of past posts and somebody discussing it as a common Reatta ailment. It never occurred to me to call it a rattle.

Anyway, I drove the car after I read the post and, actually happily, discovered the offensive noise disappeared when I applied the brake. The car goes in Thursday for AC work (the day it's supposed to cool down for a while around here) and I will have the guy try to stop the pads from moving around and rattling.

Thank you again

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With the new information, I believe I know what it is and how to stop it.

First the problem is your beer keg rolling around in the trunk.

Fix, stand the keg on the end and brake earlier and not as hard.

<img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />did I get it <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

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Robert and Nic --

Thanks for your help. I will implement the Nic treatment in the next few days and let you know. As regards other input (Robert), I too believed the roll-stops I had inserted under the keg had failed causing the thing to clank against the Nitrous bottle bracket and it, in fact, may have been part of the problem. I neglected to mention that I had already effected a cure for this when the Nitrous system caused other problems (See previous post, "Crankshaft Separation and the Little Red Button") and had to be dismantled. I found that the taller ponies would actually fit in the bottle bracket and, with appropriate layers of foam packing, caused no rattle. I am now waiting for Padgett to come up with a re-program on the BCM so I can run pressure off the AC compressor and quit pumping up the keg through the gas door (tends to impregnate hydro-carbon particulate in the required hosing -- and, is also hard on the knuckles), but, let me tell you, the refrigeration system (optional on the 89's) can be a little tricky; hence, into the shop this week for AC work........again.

As always,

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