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what ever happened to STUTZ?


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This might be a simple question. . .

but what ever happened to the STUTZ? Why did they stop production? Who

owns the company and the rights? Have they ever considered another run

for the classic?


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I remember watching a TV documentary that said they were still in business making knives. A search on Goggle revealed the Stutz Products Corporation, makers of knives. But then my information could very well be all wrong. However, it doesn't seem unusual because many companies over the years have changed the products they sell in order to stay a float. Cybervison comes to mind because they have been successful selling diet aids, but in the 1970's they produced computers.


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  • 4 months later...

I saw that same TV show and YES, I even owned a Cybervision computer! The funny thing was that during the product changeover, you could order diet aids and computer software out of the same catalog!

Another company that comes to mind is The Bud Body Company. They made car bodies for companies like Durant Motors. They changed product lines in the 30's and are still around today making plumbing supplies.

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Harry's company eventually went under, about 30 years later (around 1968 I think) the O'Donnel Organization bought the name. A nice little summary of this part of the history can be found here: http://www.madle.org/ehistory.htm. There is a great book covering the life of Harry called The Splendid Stutz. I've browsed through it and it's really a great book with many pictures covering Harry's life. you can order a copy through the StutzClub.org ( http://www.stutzclub.org/Pages/book.html ).

Brad Stutz

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Peerless went broke right after the Volstead act was repealed, so they switched over to making beer. They are still at it 70 years later. Maybe you have had a Black Label Beer! Try going to the Stutz club link and buy the great Stutz book they sell. It tells all. Good luck, Ed <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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