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Guest Skyking

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Guest Skyking

After rebuilding my carburator on my 62 Invicta I have been getting awful gas fumes when I park it in my garage. When I'm driving I can't smell anything. Only after I go in the garage hours latter or the next day I smell gas. When I park it in there I check the complete engine for leaks and don't see any. I checked the lines and still none. Everwhere is dry.. Can anyone shead some light on this.

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Guest Skyking

Yes Tomsriv, all is dry. It's like fumes are excaping from the carb somehow when it sits. I checked all along the bottom of the car and it is dry....It's really weird....

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Did your carb have a metal plate beneath it before the rebuild? I am not sure about the 62 Buick, but most 65-68 carbs had a metal insulator plate that sealed the base gasket to the bottom of the carb. The gasket has a crossover which actually circulates exhaust gas to heat the carb bottom for cold weather.<BR>The manifold also has a groove in it with a hole on each end. <BR>If the metal plate is left off, then exhaust gas from a hot engine will rise when shut off. This will cause the fuel to boil in the carb and evaporate off. This could be your gas smell.<BR>Again, I cannot recall if the 62 (364 or 401 I assume) has such a crossover. It might be worth checking.<BR>Good Luck,<BR>Mark

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Guest Skyking

Mark, now that you mention the plate, I remember the kit coming with different gaskets for the plate. Some with a cross over slot and some without. Maybe I used the wrong one. I will have to check that out. That sounds like it might be the problem. Thanks !

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