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!937 Packard 120 C

bob duffer

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I was thinking of buying a restored 1937 Packard 120 C and was wondering if this is a good car to buy?  Are there any problems with these cars i should know about ahead of time ? What is a comfortable top speed ? Are they full classics ? Sorry  about all the questions . 

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These are great cars.  Any old car will have problems, things wear out.  But there are no endemic problems created by the Packard company.  While they will do over 80 mph, but that is not really advisable with an old car.  However they will cruise all day long at 60 mph.  They are not full CCCA classics . . . maybe some day.  Mechanical parts are fairly easy to find (points, plugs, bearings, etc.), but body parts are very hard to get.  So make sure the car you are interested in has all of its body parts.  You said the car you are interested in is restored so missing body parts may not be an issue.


Keep us posted and let us know how it went with the purchase.  Packard Forum people are always willing to answer questions.

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