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Brass Era - Sonora round bell brass horn 1914???


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horn6.jpeg.0e4184380a9601b3e8989f075ae5a993.jpeghorn6.jpeg.0e4184380a9601b3e8989f075ae5a993.jpegI just found the horn that still works,  tucked way back on a shelf in my barn.   I bought it over 50 years ago in a large box of antique auto parts along with nos pedal pads, brand new 40 Ford Deluxe hood,  doors,  33 Dodge headlights etc.  The sale was a close out for urban renewal,  of a very large old garage who's owner did at one time have an early Rolls Royce,   I did also find in the box a Rolls gas or starter pedal.    Nobody I have talked within the car community including friends with brass era Packards,  Auburn,  1910 Cole,  Pierce Arrow,  T's etc. and no one has ever seen anything like it.  Years ago I did manage to find some info on the company that seemed to disappear about 1914 but now cannot find anything besides the Sonora phonograph Co.  that was in NYC about the same time. 

The nameplate says,  Sonora -  Manufactured by Sonora motor horn co. - 1741 broadway - no 4143 - New York  USA

If anyone has ever seen or heard anything about them I'd sure like to hear about it. 








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An interesting horn, and yes, probably around that time-frame.  It's just one of many different types of early accessories made for the automobile.  I have a collection of over 150 pre WWI auto accessory catalogs and I know I've seen these in one (or more) of them advertised for sale.  There is no information other than the brand name though.  If I can find a copy of the ad I'll post here. 

Horns like these were not intended for use on any specific car but were purchased by the owner as an improvement over whatever they already had.  At this time, as electrically operated components were becoming more commonplace, earlier cars that were equipped with bulb horns were refitted with the latest and greatest - an electric one!   Here is an ad from my collection for some early horns.    Will try to find info on yours after Hershey.


Horn advertisement.jpg

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OK,  Thank you as I have been unable to find anything about it,  not even the info I happened on years ago that mentioned nothing about their products,  only that they were in business in NYC until about 1913 or 14.

I look forward to you post.



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