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Replacement AC Compressor


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Okay, this has starting to bother me just a little...the AC compressor in my '66 442 must have been replaced at one point in the car's life. Someone did me a favor (!?) and pointed this out to me (I could have gone my entire life without knowing, but noooooo....). Anyway, he noticed it by the decal (yellow Harrison istead of red Frigidaire). Normally, I am not one to sweat details such as hose clamps and decals...but I am wondering how different the replacement Harrison compressors are from the ones originally installed. Is the decal the only difference? Thanks for any help.

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As far as I know the decal is the only difference. All the A5 and A6 GM compressors I've seen are pretty much identical in operation and appearance. And believe me, they way they work is a marvel in itself <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/ooo.gif" alt="" /> .

Maybe someone replaced your decal in a detailing fit? to cover the rebuilder's decal?

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