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Please help to identify cars and factory in this photograph

War Pig

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They look like 1924-'25 Flint automobiles. The plant is the Flint, Mich. Durant Motors plant where Flints were assembled until 1927. After Durant Motor Co. ceased operations, this plant was  bought by G.M. and retooled as  Fisher Body #1. The plant was  eventually closed by GM in the 1980's and most of it was demolished. What remains is now a specialized pharmaceutical facility that manufactures drugs. Your photograph is looking north down the facade along Saginaw St. taken from the centre of the intersection of Saginaw and Hemphill rd. Heres a photograph showing the same general perspective from a circa 1924-'25 Flint brochure, along with a 1924-'25  Flint  model "E-55" Touring car.





fisher 1.jpg


Edited by dustycrusty
changed illustrative photographs for more clarity (see edit history)
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Your information looks dead on to me. Thank you very much. You cannot see it well in the scan but the second car on the right side has a banner in the window with writing. I am trying to figure out what it says but haven't been able to yet. Obviously a special occasion. I am amused how separated the two groups of people are standing, the one group are all wearing nice suits and straw boater hats, probably executives. The other group are just in their shirts and lower class hats, I would guess they are management because it doesn't seem like the actual workers would be able to keep their shirts white for long.


Thank you for your help.

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Yes it was!  The United Auto Workers union realized  Fisher Body #1 was THE  key plant in General Motors' empire, supplying essential body parts and trim to almost every GM assembly line- excepting Chevrolets (the Fisher plant in Cleveland Ohio, which actually started the strike supplied parts to Chevrolet plants). On December 30, 1936 Workers at both Fisher sites  ceased production and sat down. The strike, which included tear gas, billy clubs, bottles, bolts and bullets, ended on February 11, 1937 with GM recognizing the UAW as the sole representatives and bargaining agents for its workers.


Sadly, all that remains of this historic building is the administration block, which is the central protrusion seen in the photographs, the rest was torn down- just like the downtown Chevrolet complex along the Flint River ("Chevy in the hole") which also played a pivotal role in this battle for worker's rights. While GM has  eagerly strived to erase any reminders of this historic event by destroying the physical remnants, the UAW has in turn done much damage to the good will it had engendered over the intervening decades by its recent corruption scandals involving several union leaders taking contract kick-back payments and bribes. Greed and corruption isnt just confined to the corporate  boardroom!


 I say that as a proud  (and thankfully)  retired UAW union member, locals 598 (Chevrolet) , 599 (Buick), 659 (Chevrolet-  The original Sit- Downers!), 699 (Saginaw Steering gear) and 5960 (Chevrolet , Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Pontiac).

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