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2003 in Flint


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Sintid, I had e-mailed the Buicktown Chapter in Flint with the same question. Evidently, there will not be a single host hotel, but as many as 30 lodging facilities will be utilized within a 5-mile radius. Obviously, this is expected to be the single largest national meet so far, and I'm sure it was clear to the meet organizers that a single host hotel would not be adequate. My understanding is that all of this will become clear when additional meet information is furnished.<P>I am working on the organization of a caravan from Seattle to Flint for that meet, and had intended to contact you. You recently posted a topic about organizing a new chapter in the Rapid City, SD area. It is likely that we will be traveling directly through your area. If you think that you or others in your area would like to join us enroute, please let me know.<P>You may e-mail me at laurance@integrity.com for more information.<P>Brian Laurance, BCA #5168<BR>'59 Electra, '71 Centurion, '89 LeSabre

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Brian is correct! There will be no host hotel for 2003. The tourist and convention center will be handling all reservations ,but the hotels will not book this far in advance. The tourist group is aware of the numbers coming for the meet ,so they will steer any other groups coming to Flint to a different time ,so it shouldn't cause a problem. There are 3500 rooms available in the Flint area. The show will be centered around the College and cultural center ,with the swap meet and hospitality room adjacent to the Sloan Museum.

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I am waiting for hotel information on the centenial meet in Flint so I can make reservations asap. I know it is early but feel that the sooner the better for this meet and would like to stay at the headquarters hotel if possible. Please let us know as soon as this has been decided so I can get my name on the list. Thanks---If you like you can email me at sintid@dtgnet.com<P>------------------<BR>

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Actually I live near Sioux Falls SD on the other end of the state and I am thinking about starting a chapter here.This would include NW Iowa and SW Minnesota and possibly NE Nebraska. I work weekends and holidays so I wouldn't be able to attend many functions but maybe meetings during the week but feel it would still be a worthwhile endeavor to start it. As for the caravan it sounds like a great idea make sure you contact me with plans. At last years BDE meeting there was some talk of some kind of caravan for that club also. I am sure we will hear more about that idea this year in Galena Il. THanks<BR><P>------------------<BR>

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