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Virus ??????


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Somebody's tried to hijack your e-mail. Even though you haven't sent anything yourself, if someone sends you an infected e-mail, these viruses will get into your e-mail address book and forward themselves to everyone in it. That's how these lowlife virus writers spread their nasty little product.

If you do not have a strong anti-virus program installed, you need to do it like NOW. And when it detects a virus, don't fool with trying to repair the infected file. <span style="font-weight: bold">Delete it!</span> and hope it hasn't corrupted your system beyond repair.

By the way- don't send me anything private! I just went thru a virus attack that originated on another forum, and I have no desire to repeat it.

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PackardV8 do you have McAfee or Norton antivirus software? Lots of people got a basic copy when they bought their PC, but these companies are always updating. Go and down load and get a years worth of updates, they also email warnings.

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But PeterG's email address is in the address book of someone else. These email virus programs often work by using two names out of the address book: 1) One to send itself to. 2) Another one to claim who it is from. Somebody out there has both you and PeterG in their address book.

Result is you can't use the "From" field to determine anything useful. A look a the header lines (that most email readers hide from you) can tell you the last email server the mail went through (which will be your ISP's). (Any earlier header lines might be forged.) Based on an examination of the header lines you can sometimes figure out the IP address of the infected computer. But, if they are a dialup account all you have a hope of figuring out is who owns the block of network addresses.

-- Tod Fitch (too lazy to log in right now)

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My suggestion is that you set the scheduler on your computer to update your virus definitions and do a scan of your hard disk every night. Also, keep the anti-virus software running in the background all the time. Hope the virus didn't do any damage to your machine.

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Guest HeyPop

Packard... are you using a dial up or a connection such as DSL or cable? If you're running a connection that runs independent of your phone line and spend hours on end on line and don't usually shut your PC down when you hit the sack at night (something I will never understand... you don't leave your car running in the driveway till the next morning smirk.gif ), get yourself a firewall program to keep those idiots with nothing better to do in life then "use' your PC to play ... out. Also try a visit to a good virus description site such as Symantec. You'll be surprised how many of those little buggers are out there.

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