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1912 buick 34 touring car

Ann Glass

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Hi, I have the registration papers for my grandfather's car. I'm curious if it's still in existence. I am not interested in buying it, I can't afford it. However, I would love to know where it is now, what it looks like, who owns currently owns it and maybe some of it's history. It was a 1912 Buick model 34 touring car. It was maroon and had the passenger capacity of 5. The maker's number is 241436. I don't know if that is the equivalent of today's vin number. The factory number is 6537. My grandfather bought it in 1919 in the state of Washington. I don't know how long he had it or where it went after that.  I have no idea as to how to go about looking for this car. I was hoping some of you might have some suggestions as to how to go about locating it, if it's even possible. Thank you.

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I have the only 1912 Model 34 Roadster that I could find in WA (photo below).  1912 Touring cars were either Model 29, Model 35, or Model 43 cars with 5 passenger seating.  There are two Model 29, & two Model 35 Touring cars in OR that might be what you are looking for. 

Do you have photos?


12 Buick Roadster at the top of The Old Spiral Highway.jpg

Edited by Mark Shaw (see edit history)
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Hi Mark,

Thanks for responding so quickly. What a beautiful car you have! I'm in a quandary. You said that touring cars were not a model 34. I'm looking at the "application for Washington state motor vehicle license" that my grandfather had and it says that the model number is 34 and the type of body is touring. Maybe one or the other is wrong. How would I go about finding out which is correct? Unfortunately, I don't have a picture. Would the maker's number clarify that? Thanks!

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