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From your webmaster - what do you think?


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I just noticed that this forum now has over 1,000 posts. No bad considering its only been here a few months.<P>What do you think of the service? Any comments or suggests on how to make it better?<P>Peter

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Peter: The ony suggestion that i can make is one I made when I first came in here. Reverse the order of the post within a thread, I.E. newest first. Most of the people that are in the thread alreay know and have read what is in the thread and it gets tiring scrolling down thru stuff you have already read as many times as there are posts. If a new person comes in and has not read the entire thread and wants to, let that person scroll down to the bottom and read up to catch up on what is going on.

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All is well, Peter, but I do agree with Al on the order of postings; it would be nice to have the most current/recent show up and then we could scroll down to play catch up on the topic. But I have enjoyed the site since we moved here.

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I can make the change you requested but it would effect ALL the forums. Not a good thing. Fortunately the order can change (for this one forum) when i upgrade to the latest version of this software. I'll be doing that in the next few months.<P>Peter

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Peter: I would like to THANK the AACA for providing this forum. I kind of agree with AL K. The newest posts under the topic should be first not last. To be honest that isnt realy anything that needs to be corrected

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May I add MY thanks for the valuable service this thing provides ! Best wishes to all for a succesful new year of great Packarding !<P>Pete Hartmann<BR>Big Springs AZ

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Peter - A belated thought. On one of the other (now defunct) sites, it was possible to post pictures on the thread. We watched the progress of the rebuilding of a Packard on one. Is it possible to post pictures on this site? If so, how?<P>Thanks again for providing a meeting place for all us Packard (and other) car nuts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Peter, after several years classicar.com went belly up but is in the process of being resurrected by some individuals associated with the old site; in fact it already has forums for Packard, Kaiser, Hudson, Studebaker, Lincoln, Chrysler, etc. and the chat is expected to return in March. The forum has excellent accommodations for posting photos, etc. in that the site itelf is set up to host the photos.

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PeterG~<BR>You are to be commended for the tireless work you must put in to maintain this playground for these rambunctious semi-adults. <BR>If we get a vote, mine would be to NOT invert the postings. Sometimes you miss one and to go down and then back up would get confusing. But then, it doesn't take much to confuse me. I can get used to however it gets arranged. <BR>Thanks again!

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Guest Randy Berger

Peter, first, thank you for your work on this site. I have gotten used to the thread being in current order. <BR>I wouldn't argue if most folks want it in reverse order - majority rules. grin.gif" border="0 <BR>I WOULD like the ability to remove/discard a post from an individual in a thread I started. I understand that edit ability rests with the moderator, but it would be nice on a per thread basis. cool.gif" border="0 <BR>Randy Berger wink.gif" border="0

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For those that didnt know... i'll be switching to a new BBS software application in the coming month that will allow me to do many of the features requested.<P>As to a live chat, is that somethign that was popular on classicar? is it worth adding here? <P>Peter

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Peter, what they had set up were chat rooms, where 1)like this room, you could (and I assume again soon) post a message anytime and folks could respond if and when they liked. With a multitude of chat rooms, what they did was take a poll of who would like a specific "live chat" at what time each week. They were careful not to overlap, such that the Kaiser guys agreed for the most parts on a particular night and time that was advertised and the Hudsons guys, Packard, etc. At ANY time of the day or night, you'll find HETers on there. The "chat" they have setup right now is more like a forum, with different subjects, etc. The chat, expected to come back in March, is just a free style talk about anything you want format. It was very much enjoyed when classicar was originally there. The Kaiser guys now enjoy something very similar at the site they all went to and I doubt they will come back to classicar unless their current site goes down. The chat room as well as the "forum" permits pictures to be posted. The idea over there was the chat was free style continuous type thing whereas the forum was used for parts for sale, needed, etc. While CCS is coming back, right now very very few original types or new folks have come back to it in its infant forum format.

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An additional note, that while in a forum or format like this one or on classicar, a oldest first type posting works ok, for a live chatroom where there could be literally dozens of postings in an hour, the newest posting first is advantageous, otherwide lots of scrolling down is necessary. Last night, for example, I was on the HET MSN chat and there was continuous conversation by a dozen or so folks that came in and out throughout the evening.

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And I would like to add my thanks for a very nice site here that I have observed to be well maintained and I cannot recall but maybe one or two instances where it was inaccessible. Only improvement I can think of is the ability to post photos, diagrams, specs, etc. and that would be very nice if this site could host or serve that as well. Great job Peter and I believe all will agree.

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