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Brake fluid


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Have no experience with "Super" Dot 4, but Dot 4 will work in the Teves system and provides no added benefit for normal driving.

I would recommend it for cars that do a lot of hot weather parade driving, as riding the brakes for a couple hours on a 95 day can heat the fluid to a point that it will be heat affected and our older pumps have to fight to make pressure. If the weather is warm enough and the parade is long enough, the Dot 3 will eventually heat to a point where the pump runs continually and at some point that won't be enough to maintain brake pressure. For that kind of driving using Dot 4 is change worth considering.

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Thanks guys. The reason I asked is super 4 is not supposed to hold moisture. I am now using ATE Super Blue Racing brake fluid.

After two years the fluid still contains less that 1% moisture. I am going to flush any way, but I going to use tis new Super Dot 4 fluid.

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