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39 Buick – Starting Issue


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Hello Gentlemen,

I have a bit of a problem. Today after taping up some wires and after checking my connections I started my Buick. Flipped the pump on, all good, checked my lights, all good. Time for contact! Nope, the started clicked rapidly then died.

I checked my connections again, everything in its place. Tested the battery and it was fine. The coil checked out as well. I’m unfortunately not sure how or where to text for power to the started.

Any ideas fellas?

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Checking the battery ground strap is a good place to start.  If this does not clear the problem then check the battery cable on the positive battery post to the starter solenoid.  Check to be sure the starter is securely bolted to the engine with bright metal where the bolts are located.  Possibility also of defective solenoid, there are rebuild kits available.   Check back and let us know how you make out.

Joe, BCA 33493

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After all the looking around it ended up being my error. While placing wires back I misplaced the wire going to the solenoid. Everything is fine now, all where they are to be. No issues at all since.


Thank you all for the help,


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