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Update on Museum Construction

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I traveled up to Hershey today and saw the progress being made at the museum construction site. Steel has been placed and the first floor concrete is being poured. Wow! This is going to be an impressive facility that we all can be proud of.<BR>It occurred to me that we as the newsletter editiors of AACA regions are probably in a position to inform the membership more than anyone else in the organization. Region presidents come and go; but the newsletter editor is a lifetime appointment! grin.gif" border="0 The national board members rotate from one assignment to another; but every newsletter issue we have the opportunity to inform the members about what is going on.<BR>Any ideas about how best to report the unfolding story of the AACA Museum?<P>jnp

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Post something here in the DF, and we can "cut and paste" it into our newsletters. Include pictures, if at all possible.<P>Otherwise, post a regular update on the Museum portion of the AACA website and we can refer people to this page and/or reprint it locally.<P>I, for one, would like to see the progress, because I'm too far away to just take a drive by!<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region<BR>"Editor for life -- 'cause the job WILL kill me...."

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